Trying My Hand at a DKC2 Let's Play

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Trying My Hand at a DKC2 Let's Play

Postby DK4Ever » June 13th, 2010, 5:47 pm

Well, I figured I might as well tell you guys about what I started, since the Youtube thread is now non-DKC, I assumed this would be best-posted here.

Well, to make a long story slightly less long, a few months ago I began watching Let's Plays on Youtube and finally, in April, decided to try my hand at them. My first, now completed project was Pokemon Yellow, which I was pretty pleased with, but since I needed a break from Pokemon, I decided to move to my all-time favorite series, and do DKC2.

DKC2 has thus far been a much different experience than Yellow, being a much more active game. I've really had to work at remembering locations of items, etc, since I'm hoping for this to be a 100% run. (Could be trouble, as I've never 102%'d DKC2 before, in all the years I've played it.)

To get more to the point, I started this Let's Play two days ago, posted the first episode and my intro, and have had alot of fun doing so thus far, but might need a little help. I figured this counted as a project or fanwork, so here I am, posting about my project, hoping I don't seem self-centered posting this, and wondering if any of you crazy DK fans out there would be at all interested in checking it out or giving me tips. :D

If this sort of thing doesn't belong in this board, I apologize, it's been a real long time since I last visited!


DKC2 Let's Play Intro :
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Re: Trying My Hand at a DKC2 Let's Play

Postby Tiptup Jr. » June 14th, 2010, 2:45 pm

Sounds interesting- I`ll check it out when I can get to a computer later, but what kind of help are you looking for? Item locations and such, or humorous anecdotes for those less-than-exciting parts?... :P
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Re: Trying My Hand at a DKC2 Let's Play

Postby DK4Ever » June 14th, 2010, 5:15 pm

A little bit of both of those, actually. I've now posted up to Part 3, and I had absolutely no clue where to find the bonuses in both Lockjaw's Locker and Lava Lagoon, I suppose because I never really paid them any mind before.

I decided I'd probably go back and find everything I didn't have before fighting K. Rool, but I definitely need to figure it all out before then.

And anecdotes would probably be great because the more stressful parts of the game will probably cause alot of quiet moments or nonsensical, unfunny jabbering.
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