DKC (Donkey Kong Classic)

Working on your own project related to the Donkey Kong Country series?
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DKC (Donkey Kong Classic)

Postby FefeRawft » April 26th, 2009, 11:07 am

I'm sure a few of you are familiar with Zelda Classic (

I'm making 3 custom quests called DKClassic, DKClassic 2: Diddy's 8-Bit Quest, and DKClassic 3: Dixie Kong's ???? (I don't have a name, if someone gives one I like, they will be included in the Credits.)

I am currently on DKClassic 1.

All of my items are Animal Buddies, barrels, ect.

Like in DK64, heart containers are Watermelons

Rupees are bananas.

Squitter = Ladder
Enguarde = Flippers
Barrel = Raft
DK's Fist = Sword
DK's Tie = Shield
TNT Barrel = Bombs
Rattly = Hookshot
Squawks = Bow
Squawks's Eggs = Arrows
Blue Banana Coin = Triforce Piece

Any suggestions for items?

If your idea is used, you get an automatic spot in the credits!
Posts: 264
Joined: 2009

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