DKC2: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Post in here to discuss any glitches you have discovered for Donkey Kong Country 2...
Please create a new topic for each unique glitch, and explain how it is performed (if known).

DKC2: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Qyzbud » April 26th, 2008, 6:37 pm

This is the thread for discussing the minor bugs and glitches of Donkey Kong Country 2.

Sometimes you might notice strange things that happen during gameplay which aren't quite glitchy enough to be given their own thread, but are still worth mentioning and discussing... so here is the place for just such discussions!

Should I start a new glitch thread, or should I post here?
Whether a bug/glitch is minor or not is certainly a matter of opinion in most cases. If you aren't sure whether to start a new thread or not, don't worry too much; just use your best judgement based on the types of glitches which have their own thread so far, and which ones are a part of this thread. We can always shift a bug/glitch report after it has been posted (it's a simple matter to split off any post here into a new glitch thread, or to merge a new thread into this one), so don't worry too much about choosing the 'wrong' glitch/bug reporting method.
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Re: DKC2: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Kiddy14 » April 27th, 2008, 1:46 pm

In Castle Crush, the game makes the other Kong follow up the leading one exactly since the floor is rising and so causes the other Kong to simulate being walking (simmilar to TNSCKB, just intentional) but sometimes, specially in the part with the Spinies and Klampons, the other Kong starts to walk erraticaly, like trieng to walk but can't. The animation never loops, it just starts again and again.
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Re: DKC2: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Goe » June 9th, 2008, 10:50 pm

I don't know if is a glitch but is cool anyway.

Today i was playing in Slime Clim...when you reach a Kruncha near a Click-clack, i took the beetle(with Diddy) and i put Diddy looking in the opposite side Kruncha is. When Kruncha was really near me, i quickly turned and then the kruncha turned into red, did the angry scream, and died at the same time
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Re: DKC2: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Kiddy14 » June 14th, 2008, 1:41 pm

I posted a DKC2 Random Glitches Video!
Here it is! =D

You also may notice a revision difference in the last part of it, so Qyzbud, please, plz!!! Watch the video! It has to do with a Team-Throw bug!

Anyway, yeah... also shows a major update in the Castle Crash Glitch, Dixie can also do it! Though, the results are less glitchy in Hot-Head Hop.

And I noticed if you manage to break a chest while you're rolling, the object inside it would appear right in front of you.

Excuse the bad quality in it, and I would have posted here the description of each one, but they're just too much glitches.
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Re: DKC2: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Teeth » June 14th, 2008, 6:07 pm

There's a DK barrel just after halfway point in Red Hot Ride that's a bit screwed up. It's a bit longer than most DK barrels and the DK logo seems a bit off-centre.

When you switch Kongs near to a Diddy or Dixie barrel, both Kongs darken instead of one (or lighten) and then they get stuck like that for a while.
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Re: DKC2: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Kiddy14 » June 15th, 2008, 3:13 am

Yeah, I've seen that one, I was going to add it to the video but seemed too much "not a glitch but rather a bug".

You see... if you're using Dixie and go near a Dixie barrel, and switch, Dixie wouldn't get shaded because the barrel on top of her says she shoudn't be shaded; for some reason, it never "updates". I've always though it was because the "shaded Dixie/Diddy" and the "not-shaded Dixie/Diddy" faces were already stored in-game as different sprites. And when you switch, those "sprites" are usually "frozen" to let the Kongs switch while their world is not moving, and since they are "joined" to the current status of the Kong, the game finishes messing up. Of course, this is just a theory =P
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Re: DKC2: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Teeth » June 15th, 2008, 6:53 am

The problem effectively fixed itself in the GBA version, where both Kongs are always brightened no matter what.
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Re: DKC2: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Kiddy14 » July 6th, 2008, 12:26 pm

I found another one!

In Web Woods, go to the first barrel cannon of the level, but don't enter it. Now team-up and try to do the double jump glitch and throw the kong to the right (as to the wall), for some reason, you don't get transported and the kong never returns if you move him/her to the left :S And since pausing is disable when throwing kongs, you're stuck! D=
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Re: DKC2: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby DKCplayer » September 2nd, 2008, 4:56 pm

This glitch requires a door, an enemy near the door and 1 Kong
I suggest going to Pirate Panic where K King Rool's cabin is.

1. Get the Neek to walk to the cabin
2. Go a bit in front of the cabin and wait for the Neek to hit you
3. When hit, hold left
If done correctly, you will get hit, lose a life and walk into the cabin and resume without going to the map.
See what happens when you keep doing it and keep losing lives and you'll be in for a surprise... :P
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Re: DKC2: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby The Guy » October 16th, 2008, 10:59 am

Sorry for bumpng...

Anyway, I also discovered a minor glitch.

In Fiery Furnace, when a Cat 'O Nine Tails (I know I misspelled SOMETHING...) was spinning toward me located at a lower area I jumped onto it. Dixie was spinning a bit underground! Of course, it end after it stopped spinning.

This was in the GBA port, and it may work in the SNES one...
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Re: DKC2: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby PotoGamer » October 30th, 2008, 12:54 pm

In Hot Head Hop, go to the part where you get Squitter. At one point, you'll see a lone trampoline croc in the middle of a short gap. Make a web above the gap, and stand on it. Get off of Squitter and stay in the web. When the web dissapears, you'll automatically be riding Squitter and you'll land in the trampoline croc. Get off of Squitter, and jump. In the middle of the jump, you'll get a boost from an invisible trampoline croc high up!

I still haven't found a good use for the glitch, but it's fun! :D
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Re: DKC2: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby DKCplayer » October 30th, 2008, 3:28 pm

You can easily just jump off Squitter above the Brown Croc and Squitter will land on it, making the Kongs jump. ;)
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Re: DKC2: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby PotoGamer » October 30th, 2008, 9:40 pm

That's an easier way to do the glitch, thanks! (and sorry for my really long glitch explanations :oops: )

And on the same level, (that level is full of glitches...) grab the Klobber at the start of the level and put it down on the first green croc. Go back to the land area and when the Kobbler is about to appear, jump on him and hold Y. Kobbler will then fall to the lava and you'll land on the croc. But the weird thing is that (if you did it right) you'll pick up a barrel from below the lava! (OK, so it's not as amazing as the trampoline in midair glitch, but you should give it a try! ;) )
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Re: DKC2: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby gamer_boy997 » November 9th, 2008, 3:20 pm

I just found two minor glitches, one from Hot-Head Hop, which so far has a lot of glitches, and one for Red-Hot ride.

1. Go to Hot-Head Hop, make sure you have both kongs, then get near a red krockhead. Do the team-up formation with Dixie on the bottom and Diddy on top, jump on the red krockhead, you will bounce once, then you will land on the krockhead, and you won't bounce up again! The very strange thing is that this doesn't work with Diddy on the bottom and Dixie on the top. I thought for a minute on how this could be, but it all came back to the sprites of Diddy and Dixie, and that this is one of the differences between them.

2. Go to Red-Hot Ride, get Rambi, then jump onto a balloon, hop off of Rambi, then to the team-up formation, and Rambi will fall off the balloon! I have no idea how this is... any ideas?
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Re: DKC2: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Kiddy14 » November 15th, 2008, 12:37 pm

This is a neat glitch, so I'm going to tell it to you ;)

The only thing needed is an Enguarde, and two kongs. You have to let yourself get hit with Enguarde, and while you're blinking, switch. You must switch in the exact moment the kong has dissapeared from the blinking. Result? The kong would be "invisible". You can switch, and for some reason the kong would resume the blinking (I'm not sure if you're still invulnerable). You can team-up and throw the invisible kong (which looks really funny with Dixie xD), but un-teaming up would do the same effect as switching.
If you finish a level, the kong would also appear blinking.
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Re: DKC2: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby bigdaddybuddaha » December 10th, 2008, 7:28 am

Here's a bunch of glitches for DKC2 from

Turn Diddy into Klubba!!
by David Wonn


The following trick could ERASE your character data, so DON'T DO IT! Proceed with extreme caution if you really can't resist. Don't say I didn't warn you!! Enter Castle Crush with Diddy alone. Pick up the first DK barrel you find and hold it up against a wall. Now drop it and pick it right back up. It will break and you'll be holding air. Now throw the air. Depending on where you throw the air, different results could happen. If you're lucky (I've done this a few times), Diddy could morph into some weird things, including Klubba! Usually the game freezes up and often the games get erased, so DON'T DO IT.

Stuck outside an open door
sent in by Karri Billing

I don't think this could help you in any way but it is interesting still. Make sure you have both Kongs, then walk right up to an open doorway or cave (or whatever) entrance to a bonus room but don't walk too close or you will walk in. The best way I know of getting close is to jump across to it, but release across before you land, then without pressing across, just press 'Y' until you are as close as possible to the entrance. Now press 'A' to team up then hold 'Up' and press 'Y' to throw your buddy up. When your buddy is on his/her way down, press across towards the entrance. Your Kong should start to walk into the bonus room, but spin back out when her/his buddy lands. What happens now is that you can't walk into that room, and you can't move off of the screen you're on for about 10 seconds. Also, if you're at a place where there is a gap at the bottom of the screen and you fall down it, whether or not it is a bottomless pit, even if it was safe before, you will lose a life and exit the level. A good place to try this trick out is at the two bonus rooms up from the hook in Hornet Hole in Krazy Kremland. To immediately unlock the screen (if you really can't wait ten seconds) just press 'A' to team up again and that should do it, but it wont allow you to enter the room. To re-enter the room you have to go a certain distance away from it and then return. The distance required is not the same for all rooms, and different directions require less distance than others, like in Hornet Hole you have to go down quite far to make the room re-enterable, but you only have to go up a little way, and in Pirate Panic in Gangplank Galleon with the first room (the one with the message from K.Rool on the scroll) you only have to go right to the small cannon in the background to unlock it, but you have to go to the stack of three barrels if you go to the left instead.

Ducking underwater
sent in by Karri Billing

This trick is just about as useful as it sounds. It works in any level with dry land AND safe water in it (something that the original DKC never featured). Lockjaw's Locker in Gangplank Galleon is a good example, but there are others. All you have to do is run off an edge but before you fall off press 'Down' to duck, you should slide off the edge ducking and fall down through the water as though it isn't even there. You will stay ducking underwater for as long as you hold 'Down' unless you press 'Y' or 'B' or get hit by something. If you press 'B' while ducking, you will shoot back up to the surface and there will be no side-effects like drowning or the bends. The ice cavern levels such as Arctic Abyss in K.Rool's Keep are the easiest to do this trick in because you slide further. Don't try this at the start of Slime Climb in Krem Quay or you will lose a life. You can also do this trick in Lockjaw's Locker by ducking just as the water starts rushing up.

Take Enguarde past sign
sent in by Karri Billing

In Lockjaw's Locker in Gangplank Galleon it is possible to take Enguarde the swordfish to the end-of-level target - past the No Swordfish sign! This same trick may work in other levels and even with other animals, but I have only tried it with Enguarde. Near the end of Lockjaw's Locker, you will see two Shuri starfish, at the start of that corridor there is a crate sticking up. Position yourself on top of that crate, then while riding Enguarde let the first Shuri pass overhead and let the second one hit Diddy's/Dixies head. Enguarde should swim right, chase after him immediately and as the water recedes, jump onto the crates and you should see him try to come back, but the water level drops and he swims right again. Stop here but when he has been off the bottom of the screen for 2 to 3 seconds give chase once more, you should find him swimming on the crates back towards the No Swordfish sign jump on him to stop him before he reaches it. This trick may take a while to perfect because you only get one try per time you play the level.

Take Rattly past sign
sent in by Karri Billing

In Topsail Trouble in Gangplank Galleon you can get Rattly past the No Snakes sign. It is really easy - the hard bit is remembering to do it. When you get to the Kruncha (blue, musclebound Kremling that gets mad when bumped into), kill him and stand (bob up and down) on the right hand side of the platform he was pacing on. Hold 'A' to charge the super jump, then release it to super jump onto a higher platform. If you did it right you will be just past the No Snakes sign. There is not much you can do with Rattly from here, but it is (I suppose) still worthy of mention.

Skip Enguarde
sent in by Espeon25

Beat Arctic Abyss without becoming Engurde! You must be Dixie to do this! While swimming by the morph barrel, hold down. You will pass by the barrel and beat the zone as Dixie! I think it may work with Diddy too!

Another way to pick up air
sent in by no1wammy

Start a new game and go to the Cheat Code section (Highlight Two Player Contest and press Down 10 times). Enter the NO DK BARRELS code (B, A, Right, Right, A, Left, A, X), and make your way to Mudhole Marsh. In this level, you'll remember that most of the DK Barrels are inside the treasure chest. Take one of them and WITHOUT letting go of the Y button, collide with an enemy. You'll see the DK Barrel pop out. Remember that you are NOT letting go of the Y button. If all goes well, you'll see Diddy or Dixie holding an invisible barrel. I like Dixie's holding pose; just take a look at it.

Strange sound effects
sent in by Glitch Masta Buzda

Go to the Toxic Tower level and before transforming into Rattly have your character jump into the green toxic water. You should hear the sound effects from the level 2 boss and other strange noises!

Sound glitch when visiting Kong friends
sent in by Glitch Masta Buzda

Just simply bring only ONE of the Kongs (Diddy or Dixie) to a Kong Family Hut/Klubba's Kiosk. If you listen closely, you should hear the sound effects from the character that isn't present (juggling sounds if Diddy isn't there or gum chewing if Dixie isn't there).

Ice level tricks
sent in by John Vertical

In Arctic Abyss, it is possible to swim past the Enguarde barrel. You'll just have creep along the floor. It sometimes works, sometimes doesn't... but hey, that way it's a whole lot easier to get some of the bonusestowards the end when the water level starts dropping again.

In Clapper's Cavern, if you hop off Enguarde in the swimming sequence and then go back down after the water has risen, you'll find that the barrel canyon still shoots you at the same friction as you were in air, ie. much faster than expected.

Boss glitch
sent in by Michelle & Charlie Dawson

If you go to the first boss with both kongs and press select to switch between the kongs right before Krow hits the ground, the kong that was in front will get frozen in the middle of animation and start flashing. I did it with Dixie in front and at the end it looked like she was hopping on one foot. Very funny.

Strange honey drip sound glitch
sent in by Glitch Masta Buzda

For some odd reason if you jump in the honey on the hive levels there will be no "dripping" sound effect unless there is another sound effect in the background (ex. like a bee buzzing). The reason this happens, I have no idea!!

Color glitch
sent in by Nick F.

In Hot-Head Hop, go through the stage as usual. Make sure you get Squitter. When you reach the No-Squitter sign, bring him up to the sign but don't go past. Jump off and hit the end of stage target. Now, Diddy will have a golden boom-box and Dixie will have an Orange and Yellow guitar. I haven't tried too hard, but I haven't gotten this to work on any other stage, nor have I found any other color schemes. A friend of mine pointed this out to me, but I have yet to see any mention of this occurance online.
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Re: DKC2: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Qyzbud » December 10th, 2008, 9:59 am

Thanks, I actually submitted a bunch of those way back when... I'll have to write them up for the Atlas soon. :)
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Re: DKC2: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Asd967 » July 31st, 2009, 9:18 am

Hello people! I was roaming around the foruns, and I decided to join. :)

*Gets back on the topic*
I found a lil' bug... (And it wasn't posted)
If you grab anything, I guess (It works with a chest), and put on the front of a DK barrel, it will take the DK emblem!
I guess it works also with a metal barrel!
See photo...
I made a DK chest! Yay!


I also found another glitch on which Dixie *warps*
I recorded it on Snes9X emulator,
here it is:
Note how Dixie "warps" to the down-left corner of the screen after I punt her to the Diddy barrel...
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Re: DKC2: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby The Guy » July 31st, 2009, 9:25 am


There's a glitch alot like that in DKC3 GBA.
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Re: DKC2: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Cody » June 8th, 2010, 1:29 pm

Found this neat little glitch in Pirate Panic... all you do is have Rambi walk off the edge of the barrel without letting Dixie do the same. If done correctly, moving Rambi a little bit to the left will turn Dixie into an odd-colored Rambi!


Not sure if it works with Diddy too, or if it works in other instances with other animal buddies... I'll test it out when I have time. :)
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Re: DKC2: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby The Guy » June 8th, 2010, 1:54 pm

Interesting. That looks like a variant of glitches that are already known.
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Re: DKC2: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby DKCplayer » June 8th, 2010, 8:49 pm

Nice discovery. It's simple to get Dixie to stay up there, but making the glitch happen was pretty tricky.
Somehow, I got Dixie to transform down here:
Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest (U) (V1.0)003.png
It just HAPPENED while trying to do the glitch
Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest (U) (V1.0)003.png (28.8 KiB) Viewed 107015 times
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Re: DKC2: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby daniel r cano » July 27th, 2010, 2:11 pm

DKCplayer wrote:Nice discovery. It's simple to get Dixie to stay up there, but making the glitch happen was pretty tricky.
Somehow, I got Dixie to transform down here:
Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest (U) (V1.0)003.png

it´s hard of do it!!
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Re: DKC2: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Hogwash » February 9th, 2012, 2:19 pm

When you get Enguarde in Clapper's Cavern, there's an autofire barrel designed to stop you going back down into the first half of the level (which is now flooded). Diddy can bypass this barrel by hugging the right wall and sinking. This allows you to see lots of weird behaviour when things are underwater which shouldn't be.

- Zingers behave normally.
- Spinies, Neeks and Klick-Klacks move slowly, and can't be killed.
- Krusha moves slowly. Touching him will make him mad and launch the Kongs to the roof with comical speed. The best place to do this is under the DK coin, where there's a big vertical space.
- Lockjaw is absent, but will respawn if you backtrack to the beginning of the level.
- The DK Coin can be reached, but the bonus can't because Lockjaw is too fast.
- Hooks behave as if they aren't underwater.
- Clapper can't be activated underwater. This is weird, because Lava Lagoon has legit underwater sections where Clapper CAN be activated. This was possibly deliberate, perhaps they wanted to avoid glitches from freezing water you're swimming in.
(Confirmed in US 1.1, EUR 1.0)

It's possible to have go through Toxic Tower with Dixie following Rattly around. It must be a specific timing thing - I activated it quite a few times on my real SNES, but never on purpose. All I ever did was jump into the Rattly Barrel with Diddy in charge (and two Kongs). Dixie follows you as if you were playing as Diddy, and doesn't vanish when you die. Has anyone else had this happen? (EUR 1.0)
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Re: DKC2: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby dixietrixie414 » May 12th, 2012, 6:22 am

Actually, you can activate Clapper in Clapper's Cavern if you go past that barrel with Enguarde (but Enguarde must be facing the barrel as you hug the right wall!). If you hit Clapper with Enguarde, the water will freeze, and you won't be able to move until it wears off. I used to do this all the time as a kid, and it freaked me out because once the ice turned back into water, you become completely invisible. And the camera acts very strange, last I remember! Luckily, it does not freeze the game! You can press start and select as usual!

Another glitch I've discovered in this level is that if you go in the bonus with Enguarde (now only do this if you have already killed the first blue Kruncha you see getting past the autofire barrel) and then, backtrack to get past the barrels, you can make the water level decrease, where the two ledges are, one with the blue Kruncha, and one against the wall (But whatever you do, do NOT kill Kruncha! There's a second glitch that you need him and Enguarde for!). Place Enguarde at the edge of the one against the wall, and as Diddy, swim past the other autofire barrel for a brief moment. And there you have it, the water level has decreased to where it had been before! Now, jump on the ledge where the Kruncha is, and quickly team up. Right as the Kruncha walks towards the edge, jump off and throw Dixie in the air (and make sure she lands back on you as she's coming down). If you timed it right, you should land on Enguarde, and Enguarde will turn into a blue Diddy!!

And as for the Rattly glitch, it sounds familiar, but I don't remember experiencing that. But interesting. I'll have to see for myself.
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The Mudhole Marsh Glitch

Postby Geno » July 30th, 2012, 5:47 am

We all know about the Castle Crush glitch. The one that has murdered dozens of DKC2 carts. Well, it has a little brother.
THE MUDHOLE MARSH GLITCH! Dun dun dunnnn! :o

Well, whatever. As it turns out, there's another way to hold nothing.
You need 3 things.
Mudhole Marsh
A chest that normally holds a DK Barrel

Next, you need to break the chest, so the barrel comes out
Diddy (or Dixie) will hold nothing.

When this first happened, I was so surprised, that I threw it at an enemy.
Nothing happened. :|
15 times. :|
Except one time, where a Zinger got pushed away, then it just moved back into position like nothing happened.
Boy, am I lucky. :mrgreen:
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Dixie's hair gliding glitch

Postby Mr.Diddy » August 3rd, 2012, 2:16 am

This is kind of a lame glitch, but I'm pretty sure everyone knows of how you can make the animals glide with dixie's helicopter ponytail, but did you know that you can make Dixie fly further when Kaptain K. Rool hits you? All you need to do is wait for Kaptain K. Rool's vacuum attack then glide into Kaptain K. Rool and he should hit you further! If done correctly, you should die, but the level should be playing, and whenever Kaptain K. Rool does his vacuum attack he will hit nothing and you will hear Diddy/Dixie yelling or whatever noise they make.
Last edited by Qyzbud on October 16th, 2012, 12:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Merged from own topic: "Dixie's hair gliding glitch", spelling, grammar etc. improved
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Re: The Mudhole Marsh Glitch

Postby Mr.Diddy » August 23rd, 2012, 1:42 pm

What's the BARRALAX code? By the way, cool descovery! :nicework:
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Re: DKC2: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby LineoLemon » October 26th, 2014, 5:32 pm

daniel r cano wrote:
DKCplayer wrote:Nice discovery. It's simple to get Dixie to stay up there, but making the glitch happen was pretty tricky.
Somehow, I got Dixie to transform down here:
Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest (U) (V1.0)003.png

it´s hard of do it!!

No, it's pretty easy, once you know how.I figured out, how to do it.Check out my video HERE
An explanation is in the videos description. :)
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Weird Graphic Rendering Glitch

Postby Magna » December 2nd, 2014, 9:42 am

I was playing Glimmer's Galleon and I encountered a flotsam. It was a normal green flotsam at first, but after I did something its graphic changed to a different color. Here is image proof that i was able to take before anything changed.

What do you think about it? Has this ever happened to you?
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Re: Weird Graphic Rendering Glitch

Postby Simion32 » December 2nd, 2014, 10:02 am

The SNES only has 8 lines of sprite palettes, which each have 15 colors plus transparent. Occasionally the game will load too many different-palette sprites and one of the in-use palettes will get overwritten. This causes the effect you see there.
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Re: DKC2: Minor Bugs & Glitches

Postby Geno » January 2nd, 2015, 2:13 am

Heh, I've seen things like that happen all the time in DKC3 on an emulator..
Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

... although not on my actual SNES

Mind you, that's probably because I used a code for having the ! Barrel effect everywhere, and clearly the flashing Kong palette must do some sort of weird srambling thing with the other palettes..
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