1. Leave Rambi right next to the sign, go past it, and get the Kloak to come.
2. Once the Kloak passes by Rambi, get on him and follow the Kloak.
Once he throws the cannonball, use it to activate the cannon, enter the cannon on Rambi, and complete/lose the bonus (ON Rambi).
Clapper's Cavern
1. Leave Engarde at the row of three Puftups and continue on.
2. Hit Clapper, solidify the ice, and go to the point that is directly above where you left Engarde.
CAUSE: When the ice is solidified every underwater appears at the top except Snapjaw. All the other objects are immune to this because if an object goes too far out of sight, it is returned to it's default state unless destroyed or killed. However, animal buddies are given an extended range (Along with other objects like King Zing or bosses).
Lockjaw's Locker
1. Just before the sign are two Flotsams, have Enguarde get hit by the higher one whilst facing right.
2. Chase after Enguarde as he swims away (be quick!)
3. Hop on Enguarde to stop him reaching the sign on his way back.
CAUSE: the No Animals sign isn't in the game's memory until you get close to it, so Enguarde can swim right past that spot while he's off-screen.
Of course, he's absolutely useless at this stage, but that's beside the point.

Topsail Trouble
1. Bring Rattly to the first treasure chest and perform his supermove.
Web Woods
1. At right ledge of the big hole before the sign, make a web that is just barely under the top of the ground and keep making web platforms so that you can walk through the ground (WITHOUT jumping)
2. You'll be able to pass directly under the sign, and once you're away from the sign, jump up to the top of the ground.