Getting Animal Buddies Past Their Sign

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Getting Animal Buddies Past Their Sign

Postby BlueTronic » March 15th, 2008, 7:37 am

Barrel Bayou
1. Leave Rambi right next to the sign, go past it, and get the Kloak to come.
2. Once the Kloak passes by Rambi, get on him and follow the Kloak.
Once he throws the cannonball, use it to activate the cannon, enter the cannon on Rambi, and complete/lose the bonus (ON Rambi).

Clapper's Cavern
1. Leave Engarde at the row of three Puftups and continue on.
2. Hit Clapper, solidify the ice, and go to the point that is directly above where you left Engarde.
CAUSE: When the ice is solidified every underwater appears at the top except Snapjaw. All the other objects are immune to this because if an object goes too far out of sight, it is returned to it's default state unless destroyed or killed. However, animal buddies are given an extended range (Along with other objects like King Zing or bosses).

Lockjaw's Locker
1. Just before the sign are two Flotsams, have Enguarde get hit by the higher one whilst facing right.
2. Chase after Enguarde as he swims away (be quick!)
3. Hop on Enguarde to stop him reaching the sign on his way back.

CAUSE: the No Animals sign isn't in the game's memory until you get close to it, so Enguarde can swim right past that spot while he's off-screen.
Of course, he's absolutely useless at this stage, but that's beside the point. ;)

Topsail Trouble
1. Bring Rattly to the first treasure chest and perform his supermove.

Web Woods
1. At right ledge of the big hole before the sign, make a web that is just barely under the top of the ground and keep making web platforms so that you can walk through the ground (WITHOUT jumping)
2. You'll be able to pass directly under the sign, and once you're away from the sign, jump up to the top of the ground.
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Re: Getting Animal Buddies Past Their Sign

Postby nickp17 » March 15th, 2008, 2:22 pm

Wow, thanks alot. I'm going to try these tommorow!
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Re: Getting Animal Buddies Past Their Sign

Postby Qyzbud » March 15th, 2008, 2:26 pm

Excellent topic, I wanted to have one just for this. :D

Did you work these ones out? The first two are new to me (impressively resourceful tricks, too).

Lockjaw's Locker
1. Just before the sign are two Flotsams, have Enguarde get hit by the higher one whilst facing right.
2. Chase after Enguarde as he swims away (be quick!)
3. Hop on Enguarde to stop him reaching the sign on his way back.
Getting Enguarde to the end of Lockjaw's Locker
animal-past-2-1-4-triptych.png (41.5 KiB) Viewed 50919 times

This works because the No Animals sign isn't in the game's memory until you get close to it, so Enguarde can swim right past that spot while he's off-screen.
Of course, he's absolutely useless at this stage, but that's beside the point. ;)
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Re: Getting Animal Buddies Past Their Sign

Postby BlueTronic » March 15th, 2008, 2:40 pm

You should try getting on the target with the animal buddy. The colors go crazy! The reason it happens is that Rare designed only Diddy or Dixie to be able to hit the target, and any other Kong-bonding character gets deleted. But a glitch causes the colors of the animal buddy to stay, and since it's still there, the colors are forced onto the Kongs at different parts of them.
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Re: Getting Animal Buddies Past Their Sign

Postby Qyzbud » March 15th, 2008, 3:37 pm

I was actually trying to do that here, but it seems that Enguarde can't jump! Just like white men. :roll:
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Re: Getting Animal Buddies Past Their Sign

Postby BlueTronic » March 15th, 2008, 3:46 pm

Qyzbud's a racist! Are you black Qyz?

Anyway, I was actually talking about the Rambi one. I'll post a picture later.
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Re: Getting Animal Buddies Past Their Sign

Postby Qyzbud » March 15th, 2008, 3:49 pm

No (on both counts), however... That's WAY off topic.
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Re: Getting Animal Buddies Past Their Sign

Postby Kowbrainz » March 15th, 2008, 6:15 pm

Couldn't get the Clapper's Cavern one to work just yet... probably doing it completely wrong. I did do the Rattly one, but it isn't where the treasure chest is, but a bit further up when you get onto the mainbrace.

Anyway, although it isn't a No animal sign you can get Squitter to go through Squawks' section of Animal Antics if you make webs just above the Squawks barrel.
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Re: Getting Animal Buddies Past Their Sign

Postby Qyzbud » March 15th, 2008, 10:00 pm

I finished Animal Antics without using Squawks a while ago. I like Squitter a lot, but man... it's very tedious to descend long distances on web platforms!
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Re: Getting Animal Buddies Past Their Sign

Postby BlueTronic » March 16th, 2008, 12:40 am

Here's some pictures of Rambi past the sign, plus that getting on the level target thing.
Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest # SNES_00000.png
Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest # SNES_00000.png (29.2 KiB) Viewed 50872 times
Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest # SNES_00003.png
Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest # SNES_00003.png (24.75 KiB) Viewed 50874 times
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Re: Getting Animal Buddies Past Their Sign

Postby Qyzbud » March 16th, 2008, 1:11 am

What happend if you jump on the target at supercharge speed? :)
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Re: Getting Animal Buddies Past Their Sign

Postby BlueTronic » March 16th, 2008, 2:03 am

Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest # SNES_00004.png
Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest # SNES_00004.png (26.08 KiB) Viewed 50872 times
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Re: Getting Animal Buddies Past Their Sign

Postby Arne_the_great » March 16th, 2008, 3:48 am

Like I mention in the reverse completion thread, Red-hot ride. Very difficult to perform on a console but maybe not extremly. - Here's a movie of getting past the sign, use Snes9x 1.43 V9 and up (Can be located at
Also, you forgot the easiest one: Topsail trouble but that one is boring because you can't get anywhere after the sign. (oops, you did mention it, my mistake :oops: )
I'll think of some other where you can get past the sign...

Oh yeah... Rattle Battle, first go past the sign, go back with diddy and dixie to the last bonus, wait for the kremling, bounce off him to get to the bonus with a teamthrow and get the snake, go to the end, get hit by the canonguy, wait with the screen placed a bit away (not too far) from the sign and try to wait till the snake has got past it and hey presto, he's past the sign. Can look pretty funny when diddy is holding on to the pole when making a high jump on the target.

And about level like Barrel Bayou, when you got Rambi by the goal target, try to "butt" (is that the correct word?) while the very right edge of the target while moving left, if you did it right. You will move slowly to the left instead of completing the stage until you get to the moving barrel, it's quite funny. Try it out.

Just discovered another one:
Hornet Hole, this one's quite hard to get it right. Alright, bring the spider to the end but don't kill the bee and then you'll have to line up two webs and the left side of the gap that you can walk across without falling over and they must reach so when you get hit by the bee it will land on the web, I think you get the idea. Then you went about by the hook and hurry to get the spider before he runs back again. If you want to get to the goal target, try to get some height to avoid the sign.

Web woods is possible, just walk on webs just barely under the edge of the ground and you will go under it.
Bramble Scramble - First parrot sign is also possible, just fly by the ceiling and make your way slowly forward, expect to lose one character.
I'm gonna check further :P

Castle Crush is probably possible but that's difficult, you'll have to crash the whole game and you're not really riding Rambi anymore :P

I've checked through the game now, some other stuff:
In Animal Antics you can get past the Squawks barrel, but it's quite difficult to finish the area with the spider. Now I want to get Squawks past the snake barrel, then it would be possible to get past the sign.
Screech's sprint - it's possible to go back to the beginning with Squawks. Grab the Squawks barrel before the middle barrel, break the middle barrel, die, enter the stage and you'll start with Squawks and can go back.
In the same level you can also skip the race, just fly above the bird by the ceiling and you won't trigger the race. Awesome stuff.

That's all from me. Ask if there's something you wonder.

// Arne
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Re: Getting Animal Buddies Past Their Sign

Postby Qyzbud » March 16th, 2008, 11:13 am

Awesome stuff as always, Arne. Of course we mentioned a couple of those too, but I think you noticed that, ;)

I look forward to giving them all a try, and adding this great stuff to the site!
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Re: Getting Animal Buddies Past Their Sign

Postby Jomingo » March 16th, 2008, 11:20 am

Wow, this stuff is pretty amazing. I might try a few of them later.
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Re: Getting Animal Buddies Past Their Sign

Postby BlueTronic » March 16th, 2008, 11:45 am

Arne: Hornet Hole may be possible, but I tried 10 minutes just to get Squitter hit and running in that direction, and once I did, he ran into the sign. I made an effort of doing this using all the emulator's tools (Rewind, save state, etc.), and never even got close. Did you actually complete this?

The Web Woods one was a piece of cake, and the Rattle Battle one was kinda hard, but doable. Nice find. Also, you can't go back to the begginning in Screech's Sprint, I've done this before and the horizontal ropes are like walls to Squawks, blocking him from going all the way to the beginning.

I have added the Web Woods one and added some pictures for it and the rest (Look at the first post) and from now on I'll be editing all of them that I find into that first post. I've also manage to obtain a movie and save state for Barrel Bayou, Topsail Trouble, and Web Woods. I'll need CFH to upload them to CFH World and give me the URLs like he did with Slice N' Diced Slime Climb, provided he'll do it for me. I haven't been able to get anything on Clapper's Cavern because I didn't get that far yet and the emulator is twice as hard for me because I'm still not used to the keyboard. Right now I'm at Arctic Antics.
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Re: Getting Animal Buddies Past Their Sign

Postby Arne_the_great » March 17th, 2008, 12:25 am

Kong-Fu wrote:Arne: Hornet Hole may be possible, but I tried 10 minutes just to get Squitter hit and running in that direction, and once I did, he ran into the sign. I made an effort of doing this using all the emulator's tools (Rewind, save state, etc.), and never even got close. Did you actually complete this?

Yes, it's possible. The timing just needs to be really good.
And yes, you can go back to the beginning, the ropes do act like walls but using autofire for B, the force will be more than the rope's. Actually, you don't need auto-fire if you're a good button masher. With patience enough :)

I would say that Castle Crush is probably the toughest one but I don't know if that one counts, it's basically crashing the game and the only way to kind of normalize the game is to hit the Squawks barrel which I found very difficult. See my DKC2 any% TAS for demonstration.

// Arne :)
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Re: Getting Animal Buddies Past Their Sign

Postby csg999 » December 15th, 2008, 7:21 pm

LOL I've found a few and ill post them soon
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Re: Getting Animal Buddies Past Their Sign

Postby dixietrixie414 » May 12th, 2012, 8:34 am

Arnie: I did the glitch in Rattle Battle yesterday. It's so strange how once you go back to the bonus as Dixie, you can ride Rattly instead of having to transform into him again, which actually makes the level a lot easier (that is, if you don't lose Rattly!). And the first time I figured out the glitch and tried it, I actually succeeded. I got into the Dixie barrel with Rattly, expecting the usual colored Dixie playing the guitar thing to occur. But instead, I only see a glimpse of the colored Dixie, representing Rattle, go back into the barrel, and I hear a repeated version of Dixie's end of level theme. Did this ever happen with you? As for Diddy, I never tried doing a high jump with Rattly. I'll have to try that :D That sounds really funny!

And I will also have to try the glitch you mentioned in Screech's Sprint! There's also another glitch, though. After doing the other glitch you said about skipping the race with Screech, go through the level as usual and make sure Dixie is your remaining character (otherwise, the balloon glitch will occur, which I'm sure many know about already). When you get to the No Animals Sign at the very end of the level, right before you get past it, press the Y button to make Squawks spit out an egg. As a result of this, Dixie will change into a different color! It's very strange to see, but nonetheless, interesting..

I didn't even know it was possible in Web Woods. Whenever I tried the same exact thing in Hot Head Bop (or whatever it's called XD), I ended up getting rid of Squitter and eventually losing a life.
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