Discovery I made with Pokemon Green Japan

Onto the beta thing that I found in Green Japan. In the Seafoam Islands, the signs for the Seafoam entrance are on the outside. But there are two warps on the inside that don’t point to anything in particular. I stumbled across this while comparing object data with Green Japan. It could very well be a text post for ‘Welcome to SEAFOAM ISLANDS’ before it was moved to the outside. Compare data between my Green and Green Japan:
As you can see, the beta data is for signs, while every other version is empty there. I have not included it in my version, because Green Japan crashes when you press A by the unused pointers. Below, I have included pictures of where to press A, along with Green Japan, and a .sav file. You may use my Gyrados and Spearow to FLY/SURF between entrances to check this cool feature out!
ROMS are illegal and not allowed on here, so don't you dare ask me for one. Also, I will be uploading a patch of my English Green that I made (a hack of Blue) soon. It is in proper English and includes this cool beta feature, among others!
- Code: Select all
;My Green
SeafoamIslands1Object: ; 0x4484f (size=72)
db $7d ; border tile
db $7 ; warps
db $11, $4, $0, $ff
db $11, $5, $0, $ff
db $11, $1a, $1, $ff
db $11, $1b, $1, $ff
db $5, $7, $1, SEAFOAM_ISLANDS_2
db $3, $19, $6, SEAFOAM_ISLANDS_2
db $f, $17, $4, SEAFOAM_ISLANDS_2
db $0 ; signs
db $2 ; people
db SPRITE_BOULDER, $a + 4, $12 + 4, $ff, $10, $1 ; person
db SPRITE_BOULDER, $7 + 4, $1a + 4, $ff, $10, $2 ; person
- Code: Select all
;Green Japan
SeafoamIslands1Object: ; 0x44e2f
db $7d ; border tile
db $7 ; warps
db $11, $4, $0, $ff
db $11, $5, $0, $ff
db $11, $1a, $1, $ff
db $11, $1b, $1, $ff
db $5, $7, $1, SEAFOAM_ISLANDS_2
db $3, $19, $6, SEAFOAM_ISLANDS_2
db $f, $17, $4, SEAFOAM_ISLANDS_2
db $2 ; beta signs
db $0d, $05, $03
db $0d, $19, $04
db $2 ; people
db SPRITE_BOULDER, $a + 4, $12 + 4, $ff, $10, $1 ; person
db SPRITE_BOULDER, $7 + 4, $1a + 4, $ff, $10, $2 ; person
As you can see, the beta data is for signs, while every other version is empty there. I have not included it in my version, because Green Japan crashes when you press A by the unused pointers. Below, I have included pictures of where to press A, along with Green Japan, and a .sav file. You may use my Gyrados and Spearow to FLY/SURF between entrances to check this cool feature out!
ROMS are illegal and not allowed on here, so don't you dare ask me for one. Also, I will be uploading a patch of my English Green that I made (a hack of Blue) soon. It is in proper English and includes this cool beta feature, among others!