YouTube Topic - for NON DKC videos!

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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby PotoGamer » February 2nd, 2009, 3:21 am

They probably didn't make it transparent yellow because:
1) DKC wasn't really famous in Japan and the DKC craze was over.
2) It would've probably cost more to make, since it's much easier to manufacture a catridge with the same color as the others.

It's a pain to make PSone imports work. You have to put a weird thing into it so it thinks it's closed but it's actually open and then...It's a long explanation. :|
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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby Simion32 » February 8th, 2009, 3:08 pm

DKC2 Barrel Bayou - Disabled Warp [Beta Element]

I'm not sure if this is in DKC2 v1.1, haven't checked. Thanks to Kong-Fu for finding it.
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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby BlueTronic » February 10th, 2009, 1:55 pm

Viacom blocked all my best Youtube videos. :evil: Is there any way I can reupload them without it getting blocked?
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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby Tiptup Jr. » February 11th, 2009, 12:04 am

Yes. Change the name, throw some CD-i in the middle so the video icon will be something stupid like Link or Gay Luigi. Also, be discreet about the tags.

Tiptup's Randumbness (originally known as Avatar Randumbness, a video of mine), is still up, but its sequels aren't. I guess if you reupload something, it kinda just falls off their radar for awhile.
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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby NxCy » February 11th, 2009, 8:15 am

Never seen YouTube Poop?
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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby Tiptup Jr. » February 11th, 2009, 2:40 pm

Kong-Fu wrote:What's CD-i?

Dude. Seriously?

Um... well, it was the name of an old gaming system on which a series of crappy Mario and Zelda games were produced by Phillips in the early 1990's. They are regularly made fun of in short videos called "YouTube Poop". Notable poopers include WalrusGuy, link123456, Deepercut, Iamthegang, and...
ME! :D Just kidding.
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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby DKCplayer » February 11th, 2009, 3:29 pm

Tiptup Jr. wrote:something stupid like Link or Gay Luigi.

That's Mama Luigi to you Tiptup Jr.

Viacom blocks you and Kong-Fu's videos because they contain clips that are copyrighted. Even if you mix them or just have a tiny clip from the show's they own. Eg: Spongebob.

I've made a few parodies of the K-Fee advert but I don't put them on Youtube because it contains a clip from the advert.

One thing I still don't understand; why don't they get rid of videos showing their old infamous Viacom logo (AKA, V of Doom)?
Like this: :lol:
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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby Tiptup Jr. » February 12th, 2009, 12:06 am

That's Mama Luigi to you Tiptup Jr.

Heh, you got me. Although that's not CD-i and Gay Luigi is less likely to prompt a click from those corporate astardbays, but... you is forgiven. :P
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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby Tiptup Jr. » February 25th, 2009, 1:51 pm

Alright, I take it back. This is the best Rick Roll ever.
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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby Tiptup Jr. » February 26th, 2009, 2:19 pm

No offense there, Guy, but I found that somewhat atrocious. For a vastly superior film based around the same meme, clicketh here.
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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby DKCplayer » March 7th, 2009, 9:05 am

The Guy wrote:I find this funny.

Lots of people made remixes using Donald. But this one rocks:
It's catchy madness!
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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby Tiptup Jr. » March 8th, 2009, 3:24 am

Oh my god, that completely raped my brain. Well played, you crazy Japanese clown...
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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby Rodent » March 10th, 2009, 6:36 pm

Did they actually change the title of the shiow? :o

And guys, I'm gonna need all of your help come tomorrow - you all need to watch a video of mine 5 times a day for the next month and a half. I really need this one, and if we win $20000 for it, I'll donate $100 to the DK Atlas. :P

If you liked it, go to and search for Bear Hunt to vote for us. It'd be a huge help for everyone to get on board. :D
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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby Simion32 » March 27th, 2009, 10:19 pm

Donkey Kong Country GM Engine v0.16.5 [Concept Demo]

Finally, there's the first video for the DKCLevelBuilder channel... 8-)

If you're wondering, the level in question was designed during free time in computers class. It spanned a few days but was easy to do.
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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby Gnawzooka » March 27th, 2009, 10:40 pm

That's very confusing. :shock:
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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby Tompa » March 28th, 2009, 8:27 pm

Some dude kicking ass in ALttP.
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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby BlueTronic » April 18th, 2009, 10:14 am <--How did he do that!? :o

There's a BG/FG color changing feature in dkedit, but I could never get it to work.
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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby Simion32 » April 18th, 2009, 12:06 pm

Well this hacker came out of nowhere... hadn't seen any of these yet. *watches*

I like the way the Barrel Cannon Canyon hack was designed. Crazy amounts of barrels to drive you up the wall trying to figure out what's going on... :lol:

The only annoying thing is that the level's terrain is almost never completely seamless in most hacks due to hacking difficulty. I hope people don't do this kind of stuff when DKCLB has its auto-generation features (e.g. unless you're aiming for super extremes, try to make your hack look nice at least)... :roll:

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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby DK4Ever » May 19th, 2009, 12:52 am

Gentlemen, I have in my hands one of my favorite all-time dubs.

For most people...or even power ranger fans, it might not make much sense, but man it's funny.

Check it out :

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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby DKCplayer » May 19th, 2009, 5:11 pm

Incidentally, this happens when you leave the stove on...
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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby Tiptup Jr. » May 23rd, 2009, 6:43 am

The King vs. Ty Lee 2, anyone? Presented to you in HD by . . . ME! Mwahaha! :D
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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby The Guy » May 25th, 2009, 6:47 am ... annel_page

I just had to.

I was the person who told people to send it to your friends! Not a screamer! A must-watch!
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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby BlueTronic » August 12th, 2009, 8:45 am

There is no rope that moves that fast, nor a barrel cannon that moves that fast.
How did he get more than one object in a boss level?

He must have done some deep hacking to make that.
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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby Simion32 » August 15th, 2009, 6:22 am

Nah, not really. All you need to do is overwrite the bytes past the end of the level data with more objects, and then make sure you have the zeroes that indicate the end of the data after these objects. Of course, you'll probably be deleting objects from some other level.
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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby The Guy » August 21st, 2009, 6:22 am

DKCplayer wrote:Incidentally, this happens when you leave the stove on...

If anyone wants to see that... ... annel_page

Warning: Just a little naughty for what he's singing, but funny.
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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby The Guy » September 19th, 2009, 9:51 am

Sorry for the double post but...

Now he's (Prgmdest) is making DKC2 levels!
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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby DKCplayer » September 24th, 2009, 12:17 pm

It's about time:
The main part of the video I want you all to see is 03:22.
I know it's fake (hence the animation at the end) :roll:
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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby DK4Ever » October 7th, 2009, 5:37 pm


The videos on this channel are of the upmost level of awesome.
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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby Tiptup Jr. » October 12th, 2009, 2:24 pm

So anyway, my new YouTube channel is pretty epic (ahem.) I need to make a new video or something. :|

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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby cfh » November 10th, 2009, 8:13 am

Posted two DKC rock covers on my YouTube account.

DKC 2 - Fade to Red

DKC 3 GBA - Waterfall

Tell me what you think!
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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby Qyzbud » November 10th, 2009, 9:02 am

I'm keen to check them out, but YouTube appears to be down for maintenance at the moment... wait, it's back - awesome! Listening to/enjoying your GBA Waterfall Theme cover now... very nice...

Moments ago, on YouTube, Qyzbud wrote:Really nice sound, mate... I love what you've done with this track! It's really cohesive; everything flows together so smoothly. I'll have to grab a full-quality download of this from you sometime... it certainly sounds 'complete' enough to my ears in its current form. Top stuff for sure!

I'll have to listen to your DKC2 cover now...

Hey, feel free to post DKC remixes/covers in a more DKC relevant section of the forum, like the DKC Remix Discussion topic, or you could even start your own topic in Fanworks/Projects if you like. It would be a shame to have such awesome tunage quickly lost and forgotten in a generic topic like this... and besides, I know you've got it in you to bring us all some more great DKC rock covers, so feel free to start your own cover/remix topic, if ever you're keen. ;)
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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby cfh » November 12th, 2009, 3:34 am

Thanks, Qyz! It's always nice to hear your feedback, I'm glad you liked it! I posted them in the remix thread, maybe I'll make my own thread later.
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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby Cyclone » November 12th, 2009, 11:23 am

That's the best use of a custom level I've seen so far.
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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby Qyzbud » November 13th, 2009, 5:52 pm

I was about to suggest you post this in the DKC remixes topic... but then I realised that it definitely belongs here. Hahaha. :D

Nice work, I've been smiling ever since I listened to it... :D
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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby The Guy » November 23rd, 2009, 7:17 am

OKAY, this guy's hacks are now officially 110% insane. Apparently, this one is easier (In terms of the obstacles. (Although one of the Bonus Levels is the hardest yet.)) than the previous levels, but this one is more of a puzzle at some points...
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Re: YouTube Thread

Postby Qyzbud » November 24th, 2009, 10:12 am

That was pretty cool to watch, but this is the off-topic part of the forum - remember to post DKC stuff in relevant topics!

For ROM hack videos on YouTube etc, post in this topic. Thanks. :)
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Re: YouTube Thread - for NON DKC videos!

Postby Tiptup Jr. » February 4th, 2010, 2:01 pm

I just made this! If you could watch it and maybe lemme know what you think, that'd be great (personally I think it's epic, but... you know.) :P
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Re: YouTube Thread - for NON DKC videos!

Postby Scraps69 » May 9th, 2010, 7:02 pm

Nintendo Power Starfox 64 promo video. This is the cheesiest acting ever. Period.
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