Risky Rescues: Who have you helped?

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Risky Rescues: Who have you helped?

Postby Qyzbud » January 15th, 2013, 6:29 pm

On the weekend, I had the heart-pounding honour of rescuing this little guy from my dad's tool shed:


It was tangled in an old crayfish net, and stuck under a duffel bag that must've fallen as it was trying to free itself. Normally I have a healthy aversion to snake encounters, but I thought of all the times Rattly's helped me out of a tough spot, and I decided to return the favour...

After putting a cloth bag over my hand as a makeshift glove, I took hold of the snake just behind its head (that took some psyching up!), and worked on freeing its tail from some miscellaneous bits and pieces it was clinging to. I then carried the snake and net up to the house where I unwittingly scared the living daylights out of my parents. :P

While my mother called various 'snake removal' and 'poisons advisory' services, I spent around half an hour carefully cutting the netting from around the snake (it was really tight in some places)... during which time I somehow managed to put on gloves (better late than never I guess). My folks and I then drove to a remote spot on the property and let our new friend slither off into the bushland — happy and free once more. :D

I must say, that 'little guy' was bigger than he first looked (and it turns out, that he was in fact an eastern brown snake, which is apparently the second most venomous land snake — certainly capable of delivering a lethal bite). I probably should have been wearing gloves from the get-go... :lol:

So, that's my 'risky rescue' story from the weekend...

Have you ever put yourself in harm's way to help someone or something?
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Re: Risky Rescues: Who have you helped?

Postby Simion32 » January 15th, 2013, 7:00 pm

Nice story, but...

Please be a little more careful/wise, Qyzbud. We don't want anything to happen to you. At least I know I don't.

Especially in any case, you shouldn't be in the hospital over something this ridiculous. :rant:
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Re: Risky Rescues: Who have you helped?

Postby Phyreburnz » January 16th, 2013, 2:26 am

Well, if I lived in Australia, I probably wouldn't be rescuing snakes myself, considering that Australia has the largest number of venomous snake species! Where I live, there are only three species of venomous snake, copperheads, and two species of rattlesnake, one of which is very rare and is almost never seen. I'm glad you saved him, but we can't really save our venomous snakes where I live... there are too many little kids that come around my house, and we want to minimize the risk of somebody getting bitten.

A while back, maybe when I was ten or younger, my dad got pygmy goats so they would eat the underbrush around my house. The little guys were just too cute... but unfortunately, a mother bear and her three cubs ate my goats... :cry: My dad called the game commission and they caught the mother and TWO cubs to relocate them to a more remote area... one of the cubs must still be around. They were old enough to probably be able to live without their mother.

I've saved a good chunk of animals that were dropped off. Over the summer, a mother cat and her three adolescent kittens were left on my road, so I picked them up. Somebody would have hit them if I didn't. My dog and current cat (we couldn't keep the others because my kitty HATED them!) were both dropped off and rescued by me and my sister.
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Re: Risky Rescues: Who have you helped?

Postby Chibisai Kong » January 20th, 2013, 7:42 am

You all get applause.

A few years ago, we were cleaning our house and when I took the trash out (again) I heard whimpers in our backyard. I didn't have shoes on so I went back in the house, put some on, and investigated.

I found a puppy, one that couldn't have been older than six weeks, shaking and crying. I really love dogs, especially puppies like her, so my heart got the best of me and I brought her inside and asked if we could keep her as she didn't seem to have an owner. We did keep her and we named her Amalia, after a character in a game my brother had been playing at the time.

The thing that makes it kind of risky is that around two weeks later, she died of a disease we weren't even aware she had at the time. We still don't know what it was but since one of my sister's dogs died of pretty much the same thing about a year or two prior we concluded it was a disease around the woods only dogs caught.

I miss her so much. ;_;
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Re: Risky Rescues: Who have you helped?

Postby Chibisai Kong » August 8th, 2014, 4:56 pm

I feel like I should post this.

Back around the beginning of June, my brother and his girlfriend found an abandoned little baby kitten, half-starved and half-drowned and took him in. My brother sent my mom a message asking if i would like a kitten for my graduation present as they couldn't keep him. We never quite knew exactly how old he was at the time but he was still very young as he was still nursing and had the itty baby kitten toddle. I call him Itty Bits and as of right now he is a very happy, and as far as we know healthy, little kitty. He is getting bigger and he currently loves cuddles and his ringing balls. Right now, he's laying on my hand purring happily.
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Re: Risky Rescues: Who have you helped?

Postby Markster » August 8th, 2014, 9:41 pm

You're back Chibisai Kong!
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