Jomingo wrote:Do not tell me I know nothing. You don't know anything about life in the United States, and you've made that fairly clear. I'd be careful saying that to certain people, because they might take offense.
Dude, I thought I did excuse myself...
First of all, you sound like if I were insulting you when I only said I don't like US's kind of weird -
to us - culture. Many things you find normal are strange to us and viceversa, and I think that's perfectly normal.
Yet you're calling me filthy
Second, yes I know nothing about the States except for how many months my dad lived there and a friend I met at high school who lived there for 3 years... Perhaps I shouldn't be talking about it until I get to experience it myself, but I think I've got an idea.
Third, I think you need to do a little bit of proofreading and understand that you don't know anything about illegal immigrants and their boarder-crossing customs... I never said anything about knowing life in Mexico or even the US (it is that or I don't get your point).
Puh-leeaase, I've heard stories and know several people who know (yeah, same story as always) people who tried to cross.
They're poor people, they barely have basic education and only want a place to work... tell me if that's not being humble (even when they don't know what a great problem they'll become for your government).
Perhaps I'm not that fond of people commenting of Mexico as the land of small
negritos. Monterrey isn't like Guadalajara, Mexico, Hidalgo, Oaxaca, Cuernavaca... it is often seen more as an American city than a Mexican one, yet we have tacos xD
Mexico is not the greatest country in the world, but we're progressing. With the drug-dealers thingy I think we're more united now.
Seriously, we have no Police Forces where I live as of me writing this post (we don't trust them either), yet there haven't been any robberies in about 6 months.
People do not buy Narcotrucks anymore (Escalades, Explorers, Navigators, Lobos, Cheyennes, Cherokees, etc.).
A balloon cannot pop at a children's party because we immediately crouch for our lives xD
If I ever insulted any American (Unitedstatian) in the world, then I apologize. I'm sorry! Happy? That's not how I expected my comment to be received.
And Mexican gurls are nice