Forum troubleshooting - report issues here

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Re: Forum troubleshooting - report issues here

Postby Qyzbud » January 30th, 2013, 4:11 pm

I was making some adjustments — things ought to be back to normal now.

Thanks for the report. :)
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Re: Forum troubleshooting - report issues here

Postby Blaziken257 » February 13th, 2013, 3:57 am

OK, after some observation for weeks, I've figured out what forces me to be logged off. It occurs whenever I have a tab open for the chat, and my computer hibernates while leaving the tab open (which occurs whenever I step away from my computer for hours). When I turn on my computer again, I'm always logged off and have to log myself back on each time. I am not logged off in any other situation (e.g., forum browsing).
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Re: Forum troubleshooting - report issues here

Postby Qyzbud » February 13th, 2013, 11:10 am

You're quite right that it seems to be directly related to the chat... do you happen to use other devices to access the Atlas (forum/chat) while you are away from your main computer? I've noticed that I sometimes get logged out under the circumstances you mentioned, but (I believe) only if I use my phone/laptop to access the forum before returning to my main PC.

I'll have to take another look at the chat security settings. Hopefully I can iron out this issue once and for all.
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Re: Forum troubleshooting - report issues here

Postby Blaziken257 » March 29th, 2013, 9:00 am

Wow, I long forgot to answer this... but no, the only device that I use to access this entire website (including the forum and chat) is my laptop. Just to be clear, it only happens when I use the chat, not in any other circumstance.

Also, I noticed there's a problem in this topic... it stops rendering the page in the middle of a quote. I looked at the HTML source to try to see what the problem is. At one point, there is HTML code that looks like this:

Code: Select all
<!-- tr</div></blockquote><br />

It doesn't stop there (I didn't want to copy the whole page because it would have been far too long), but as you can see, it's the start of an HTML comment, which never ends. Also, I noticed that in the quote in that post, there's a stray tr -​-> before the 1.0 text. I guess it's some template error? Whatever is causing it, it didn't happen until fairly recently.
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Re: Forum troubleshooting - report issues here

Postby Qyzbud » March 29th, 2013, 10:39 am

Blaziken257 previously wrote:OK, after some observation for weeks, I've figured out what forces me to be logged off. It occurs whenever I have a tab open for the chat, and my computer hibernates while leaving the tab open (which occurs whenever I step away from my computer for hours). When I turn on my computer again, I'm always logged off and have to log myself back on each time.

The quick solution from an end-user standpoint is to be sure you don't leave a chat tab/window open when your computer sleeps/hibernates. I'm sure you've already worked that out... and I do intend to find the cause of this issue, and fix it... but for now, that's the best 'solution' I have to offer. :roll:

Also, I noticed there's a problem in this topic... it stops rendering the page in the middle of a quote.

I believe this page is fixed now (I just edited the problem-post); I recently implemented a new layout system to allow Simion more control and precision when formatting his DELTA documents; unfortunately, there are some undesirable side-effects if documents/posts that use a 'table' system are quoted in part. :| Hopefully I'll devise a fix for this soon.

Thanks for the feedback, and a belated Happy Birthday to you from me, too! :gift:
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Re: Forum troubleshooting - report issues here

Postby Qyzbud » May 22nd, 2013, 5:06 pm

Good news, everyone!

The [phpBB Debug] PHP Warning messages — declaring that the forum software was "Unable to allocate memory for pool." — are quite likely a thing of the past. :D

I just got off the phone with our server administrator, and she thinks she has finally discovered (and fixed) the source of the problem. It appears as though the server's APC was out-of-date and less-than-optimally configured. It has now been updated, and configured correctly... so we're hopeful that this issue can be put to rest once and for all.

Please let me know if you encounter this issue again — hopefully you won't. :swanky:
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Re: Forum troubleshooting - report issues here

Postby Super Luigi! » June 21st, 2013, 6:10 am

Glad to hear, Qyzbud. I had been seeing those infernal messages for months now, but you seem to have done the trick and banished them to the Lost World!
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Re: Forum troubleshooting - report issues here

Postby Geno » December 15th, 2013, 1:57 am

Something or other happened, and I cannot post anything in this subforum. :kiddysad:
In other words, in the topics, the "Edit", "Report", "Quote", "Post Reply", and even the "Give Banana" buttons are missing.

I'm betting it has to do with some sort of permissions thing, although it IS a pain, I wanted to say something about those unused SMB2j graphics...

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Re: Forum troubleshooting - report issues here

Postby Qyzbud » December 15th, 2013, 11:20 am

Ah, I think you're right, Geno; the permissions were put in place keep other users from posting in ShaneM's hacking topic (at his request), but they affect the Mario hacking topic, too.

Thanks for the report; I'll let you know when this is corrected. :geek:
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Re: Forum troubleshooting - report issues here

Postby Geno » December 15th, 2013, 1:53 pm

Okay, thanks.

Although now there's something I want to say about one of those hacks he made, oh well.

One of the patches aren't working. Actually, all the ones for .fds files aren't. Oh well, it isn't a very major problem.
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