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Competitivity of DK64?

July 31st, 2008, 3:53 pm
by DK4Ever
Looking at the multiplayer of DK64, (Not the arena, the shoot out type multiplayer) from the looks of things, I think the game could be competitive in such a way if anyone ever wanted to try it.
For instance, nothing is truly random about that multiplayer, nothing spawns in unusual or unknown places, the characters have no real traits the other don't, except for maybe speed, but even that may not be a factor. (I'll have to test though, and see if Diddy can outrun Krusha or Chunky.)
And come on, it's a fun multiplayer, and even though it is almost 10 years old, I think some DK fans should give it a shot.
Re: Competitivity of DK64?

July 31st, 2008, 3:57 pm
by gamer_boy997
I actually played it again about a month ago, and I was mad at Rare when I realized they used this in the DK rap, "But this kong's, one ____ of a guy!" Sorry, I don't even like to use language like that.

EDIT: For that reason, the game should probably be E +10.
Re: Competitivity of DK64?

July 31st, 2008, 4:00 pm
by DK4Ever
Lol I was only mad at Nintendo for taking that out. Rare's a European company, and Hell isn't a swear word over there I don't believe, actually, I don't see why it is over here, but no matter.
But anyway, what do you think about DK64's possible competitivity? Would you personally be willing to give it a shot?
Re: Competitivity of DK64?

August 1st, 2008, 1:42 am
by gamer_boy997
I only have 2 controllers, and I like single-player better, and I doubt anyone wants to play this game with me,

. Except, I do play multiplayer for the DKC's... Now that I think of it, I remember that you play K. Rool's battle arena, and you battle eachother in arenas, but I like the multiplayer of the DKC's better.
Re: Competitivity of DK64?

August 1st, 2008, 9:02 am
by DK4Ever
I mean like, if someone were to take the multiplayer to tournament level, could it work? I think so, I mean, nothing is random, the characters are balanced, etc. etc.
Re: Competitivity of DK64?

August 1st, 2008, 1:15 pm
by gamer_boy997
Yeah, it could work if they do that. All players can be the same kong anyway, so even if the kongs were not balanced, it could still be fair if they all had to be the same kong.
Re: Competitivity of DK64?

August 1st, 2008, 1:25 pm
by DK4Ever
Yeah, I that could work. Still, We'd need a bunch og fans willing to meet and do this, at some point I'm sure we could get this together, but yeah.
Re: Competitivity of DK64?

August 5th, 2008, 3:38 am
by Tiptup Jr.
gamer_boy997 wrote:EDIT: For that reason, the game should probably be E +10.
E 10+ didn't exist until Jungle Beat. So yeah.
Re: Competitivity of DK64?

August 18th, 2008, 2:00 am
by Kowbrainz
The only real problem about DK64's multiplayer is the bananaports, and the fact that if someone was hurt, all they'd need to do is find one, warp away from the other player and stand on the pad until the other player came to get them. Then while the other player did this the hurt player could grab health and ammo.
So no, it's not really a game meant for competitions. If people tried to play it that way matches would end up taking forever to finish.

Re: Competitivity of DK64?

August 19th, 2008, 4:17 pm
by DonkeyKong
Ye theres still some people that compete in the multiplayer games. Me and fellow DKC-atlas member FunkyKong play Monkey Smash. I dont likt it though when people go under the water and swim around it for a long time.
Re: Competitivity of DK64?

September 7th, 2008, 4:49 pm
by swoopysalvo
Kowbrainz wrote:The only real problem about DK64's multiplayer is the bananaports, and the fact that if someone was hurt, all they'd need to do is find one, warp away from the other player and stand on the pad until the other player came to get them. Then while the other player did this the hurt player could grab health and ammo.
So no, it's not really a game meant for competitions. If people tried to play it that way matches would end up taking forever to finish.

Yeah I had a similar problem like this. Until I stumbled across a multiplayer option by pressing C up on the Character selection screen and found that you could not only adjust the settings to play capture the DK coin and Coin Hoard but can also adjust how many lives you can get in survival mode. Also Time matches and winner points matches FTW.
Re: Competitivity of DK64?

September 11th, 2008, 12:34 am
by Kowbrainz
I already realise you can adjust the amount of lives/health etc; but I found whenever I tried to play with friends it'd just get boring hiding from each other. In Banjo-Tooie's shootout and Goldeneye, you can play one-shot kills which eliminates camping problems on large maps and turns games into proper skill matches, but here you can't play one hit kills. After you get hit you have a few seconds stun time, and if you're playing it safe and smart then you won't be out in the open during those seconds - you'll be right near a warp pad to get out of there before picking up some health replenishments.
Then there's the case of weird glitches you can perform in multiplayer which allow you to take up cheap camping spots making it impossible for opponents to approach without taking a hit. The level with a moat and bridges is a good example. There's a neat trick which allows you to bring up your gun underwater and use it while in and under the water. Using this, you can hide under a bridge out of range of the opposition's fire and oranges and shoot them when you like.
(the glitch I've known about since 2001 or so - stand on the edge of a platform above water with your gun out, then run forward and hit the top C button just before you fall off)