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Anything interesting people missed?

January 14th, 2012, 1:57 pm
by The Banana Bird
Well I guess not alot of people remember this part of DK64. Of course, we all remember sending King Krusha off the island, onto K. Lumsy Island and how K. Lumsy punches him onto another island right? I find many people not mentioning or not even noticing this little fella. Remember now? I think this is possibly Clapper in a pirate sort of theme. There were actually a whole bunch of these seals. If this is Clapper from DKC2 (and land), there are for sure more then 1. But, is it Clapper? What do you think people don't pay attention to in this game. I also noticed that the Dogadon resembled a HUGE version of those little bugs in River Side race of DKC3. Again, tell us what you think no one really remembers that interests you and people have passed by.
Re: Anything interesting people missed?

January 14th, 2012, 6:34 pm
by Simion32
The Banana Bird wrote:Dogadon resembled a HUGE version of those little bugs in River Side race of DKC3.
Those "bugs" are actually really tiny
Red Buzzes. Look closely enough in an emulator (just pause) and you can see them.
Re: Anything interesting people missed?

January 15th, 2012, 1:30 am
by The Banana Bird
Simion32 wrote:Those "bugs" are actually really tiny Red Buzzes. Look closely enough in an emulator (just pause) and you can see them.
Oh, I didn't notice that sorry. I am only 12 so I am TERRIBLE with electronics. I never have used an emulator. I actually have only expierience seeing those little red buzzez on the GBA. I only have the game on GBA, yeah that sucks. I used to have my cousins on SNES though.
Re: Anything interesting people missed?

January 15th, 2012, 7:59 am
by Super Luigi!
Well, how about that Diddy can enter the submarine in Gloomy Galleon where Tiny is supposed to go? I did that by just swimming around the entrance, when suddenly a screen transition happened and I was inside. Is this the type of thing that you mean?
Re: Anything interesting people missed?

January 15th, 2012, 9:44 am
by The Banana Bird
Yeah that is one. I actually did that too. I think you are the only person I know who has brought it up.
Re: Anything interesting people missed?

January 15th, 2012, 11:01 am
by Simion32
There's an innumerable amount of glitches and tricks listed here: can even get you extra glitched golden bananas.
You can swim through underwater walls and stuff, I've done it at least once in Gloomy Galleon.
Re: Anything interesting people missed?

January 15th, 2012, 11:52 am
by Soniccuz
Yeah, I've glitched though the island to the control room numerous times, and have used a similar glitch to get to what looks like a room used for early testing. Those are probably the ones everyone already knows about though. I love hearing about those kind of glitches.
Re: Anything interesting people missed?

January 15th, 2012, 4:02 pm
by Super Luigi!
Simion32, is that like the code at the end of the final boss that gives you 202 Golden Bananas? Although, I think that code is a lie, because it's never worked for me.
This is the code someone posted online, but there was also another glitch where you could grab a banana, re-enter the level, and then grab it again. Are these what you were referring to?
Re: Anything interesting people missed?

January 15th, 2012, 4:10 pm
by Simion32
There's a glitch on DK's Fungi Forest mill banana (behind the smasher fence). It can be grabbed by any Kong, by going out of bounds in the corner with the crates. You can get 103% by doing this, obtaining a total of 10 extra bananas (up to 2 per Kong - the banana counts are saved as a 3-bit variable, so passing 7 will wrap it around to 0).
Re: Anything interesting people missed?

January 15th, 2012, 4:16 pm
by Super Luigi!
So that's how you set the record in "How High Can You Get?" Well, thanks for the information. Does anyone know if that code is real or if the re-entering the level trick works? Like I said, I don't think the code does, but I haven't tried the level re-entry thing.