When I pressed A+B+Select+Start on this screen, the file select screen was bugged -- Dixie was facing RIGHT, and her sprite position is similar to where it would be when the third file is selected, but it's a bit higher than normal. Weird. Not to mention, the file that I used was the second one! In addition, pressing Up and Down do nothing.

When pressing A, the second file was still selected (because it was the one that I used last). Instead of going to the Time Attack screen like it should, K. Rool was going from Tin Can Valley to The Lost World. But instead of seeing the cast list, the game started me on Miller Instinct!
Things went back to normal after I either quit the level or lost a life, although I STILL wasn't able to reach Time Attack until I beat K. Rool again. Only then could I access it.
When I turned the game off (instead of pressing A+B+Select+Start), the file select screen was normal, but Time Attack was still inaccessible until I beat K. Rool a second time.
This occurred in all versions of DKL3 -- the two retail English versions, the prototype English version, and the Japanese version. How the heck did Rare miss this across so many versions?
So, bottom line: If you're on the screen where K. Rool is defeated, wait until the Time Attack screen appears before turning the game off or resetting it!
Here are some save files for you to try:
All retail versions:
English prototype version (the above file is not 100% compatible with the prototype version -- the Time Attack data uses a slightly modified checksum algorithm):
http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?e215qt6hlh4d9iu (Note: Link updated)
In both these files, you should pick the middle save file -- it's right before fighting K. Rool's Last Stand. What other unpredictable things can occur from doing this glitch?