4. Dixie: WTF? Having no knee-pads is one thing, but her face. what happened there? All of a sudden she's got a unique looking mouth-area that all Kongs have, and then Paon changes it into a coconut-shaped lump. Then, to add insult to injury, they take the tiny earrings she had, and make them bright blue and huge, and make her incredibly girly. Why is Dixie turning into Peach?

3. Cranky: Not only is his new design ugly (it looks like he's suffering from duck-mouth syndrome like the TV show characters), but his voice! Every time he talks in JC he'll go "Whey!" or "Whey?", or even "Whey...". Such diversity! But that's not the worst part, either. Cranky is supposed to be cranky, but as of now he isn't the slightest bit cranky at all. What happened? Did he take some laxatives after his bananas? Did he take some anti-depressants? Is he on some sort of drug? Scary thoughts...
2. Tiny: This is probably the biggest "WTF" redesign I've seen. Tiny started off in DK64 as a sort of Dixie clone with the ability to shrink, but she also had some things that made her unique, so I didn't mind. Then Rare makes DKRDS. They're going to use Tiny's old model, but Nintendo steps in and says something to the effect of "Use Paon's character model that makes her look like a Candy-esque wh***!" So now Dixie's little sister is a skimpy teenage freak, while Dixie remains the same size.
1. And now, for the worst change of all. The mutilated new design of what was once my favourite character. The most terrible redesign I've ever seen. The most terrible thing ever done to ANY video game character EVER! He's is the main reason I made this thread, and it's depressing that Paon could take an awesome character and turn him into a complete freak of nature. In case you don't know who I'm talking about, I'll show you.

What is that... thing? It certainly isn't K. Rool, that's for sure. This.. thing, this freak of nature, this deranged lump makes me want to barf in a bag and eat it. What have they done? A perfectly designed character turned into that THING!
Now then, some of you may say something along the lines of "OMG u n00b hes teh same!!!!!!11", so I'll show how this deformed creation has changed from the original design of a once interesting character with a great design into a hideous, bumbling green lump.
Just looking at it, and a few thing immediately become clear.
-tan stomach
-practically normal eye
-different shape to eyes
-less crooked teeth
-tiny, tiny crown.
However, there a few thing you may have not noticed.
-thinner jaws
-different position of teeth
-different gold colour
-blue jewel
-brow is a different shape
-both eyes are smaller
-legs have become much more generic and uninteresting
-no tail to be seen
-the feet have become so plain
And then there's the thing you can't tell by looking at the picture...

What's interesting, however, is that his good design and god-awful redesign have co-existed. How? Simple. DKC3 GBA and DK: KoS. We saw our first look of this hideous mutant, and then saw him as a normal character for just one last game.

This is why I despise Paon's DK series redesigns.