What do you want from DK Wii?

Talk about games outside of the DKC series, but closely related.

What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Jomingo » August 28th, 2008, 11:03 am

Well, I need a place to discuss my random Donkey Kong ideas with people, so this will be it.

Here is where we can brainstorm ideas and expectations for the eventual Donkey Kong platformer on the Wii.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Qyzbud » August 28th, 2008, 11:28 am

So, are we thinking DK Wii is the New Donkey Kong in 2D! (Infendo article) :?:

If not, well I guess I'm hoping for a return of our original four Kongs, and more-or-less a completely 3D depiction of the iconic aspects of the DKC trilogy. I know, tell me I'm dreaming... I would like to see a heavy emphasis on quick gameplay, problem solving (not tedious puzzles, but clever ones), and of course; adventuring and exploration. That's a rough mental sketch... I'd love to elaborate on this, but I'm sure I'll just end up bitter if/when it never comes to fruition. :roll:
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Jomingo » August 28th, 2008, 11:30 am

Well, I don't know if that 2D Donkey Kong article will ever come true, but this topic is essentially a brainstorming topic, where we can talk about the impossible dream games we think of.

I wanted to post some ideas, but I don't really have time right now.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby CaptainEddie » August 28th, 2008, 11:37 am

I want a DK game with comco attacks considering wha pair of Kongs you have.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Swing King » August 28th, 2008, 11:47 am

DK64 2 ( But I'm the only one here who wants That, So make it a Peg Swiger! :D ) I'M SERIOUS.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Qyzbud » August 28th, 2008, 12:38 pm

A peg-swinging DK64 sequel? Well, that's about as far from what I want as could be imagined. :roll: Heh, well everyone's entitled to their preferences. I personally find the pegs a bit fun, but it would be a lot better in moderation, I would say; like perhaps as frequently as barrel cannons are used in DKC. As for being like DK64; well, the controls/physics/interactions would have to be tweaked a whole lot to make the game more playable and enjoyable. Oh, and definitely NO GUNS. However, I do want DK to be able to throw coconuts at baddies.

Eddie, I like your suggestion about pair-specific special attacks; that concept grew and grew throughout the DKC trilogy, then it just vanished (well, until Jungle Climber)... It would be awesome to see team interaction again in a far more prominent and diverse way. So much could be done with this idea!
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Gnawzooka » August 28th, 2008, 5:46 pm

What? DK64 had guns? I've gotta play that some time...
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Jomingo » August 28th, 2008, 11:18 pm

Well, yeah, but they only shot coconuts and oranges and other stuff like that.

Here's an idea that and Summersky were working on at the DKU:
It would be a 3D fully explorable Donkey Kong Island. You could go anywhere on the island, and it would all be to scale(unlike DK64).
In order to have a little bit of structure, you have to Collect DK coins through challenges you find around the island. We'd like it to have very minimal loading screens, and that all the loading screens actually be disguised into the gameplay. OK, so let's say you start off in Kongo Jungle. There is a boss in each "world", but he doesn't stop you from going wherever you want. See, every boss has a key, and you need all ten keys to open K. Rool's door and fight him. In order to fight a boss, you need to pay it 10 DK coins. You can go to the right towards Monkey Mines, or to the left towards Baboon Bay(a new area I came up with that would be on the side of the island we never see); you don't need to stay in Kongo Jungle. But there are around 10 DK coin challenges in each area; though they aren't all accessible right away, some might require you to beat another one in another world in order to gain an ability or item required for this challenge. The DK Coin challenges are in two forms; 1) An NPC character will need help with something, or they will challenge you to something (this would include Brothers Bear, Kongs, new Kongs, Kremlings, etc.), or 2) Sometimes DK coins will be lying around in each World, and you need to do some clever puzzle solving or vigorous platforming to reach it. You can do the Bosses in any order, just as long as you have ten DK Coins you can spend them to fight any boss you want(except K. Rool). You can go to any world without beating the bosses along the way too.

Here's an example of a set of challenges:
Let's say you are in Monkey Mines, and you want to use Bjorn's ski lift. He says it's broken at the top, and that Benny needs help fixing it. So you go find Benny Bear in Gorilla Glacier, and he needs your help. He can't seem to find his Wrench, so he can't fix it. So you see his wrench atop a pillar, and after some platforming segments you find it. Once you give it to Benny, he repays you with a DK coin, and then fixes his Ski lift(and then he lets you keep the wrench). Now you can travel between Gorilla Glacier and Monkey Mines much faster than usual. Also, you remember Funky Kong back in Kongo Jungle saying something about needing a wrench. So you go back to Kongo Jungle and find Funky working on his Plane. You give him the Wrench, and he gets back to work. It takes some time to fix a plane, so it won't be fixed until you have 2 more DK Coins. After getting the coins, Funky's Plane is fixed, and he repays you with a DK coin. Now you can go to any area of the island (for a price), but before you can fly to an area, you must have travelled to that area and uncovered the landing pad.

Also, about that ski lift thing: There would be lots of shortcuts like this in order to speedily move about the island, as this world would literally be Massive.

Another thing, you would also be able to visit Crocodile Isle(K. Rool used the Kremling power source to raise the island out of the sea, more on that later), which would also be fully explorable, and just as large as DK Island. This one would have much darker environments, more enemies (and a lot of exclusive enemies), and it would be harder too. There would be a lot of new worlds, and a lot of returning ones that are much different after spending over 10 years underwater. Crocodile Cauldren's lava has still been spuing out and then cooling with the water, thus creating a small mountain (still filled with and surrounded by lava), Krazy Kremland is rotted and now overrun by Zingers, the castle is in ruins, etc.

Also, the factories on DK Island are now overrun by vines and vegetation.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Qyzbud » August 28th, 2008, 11:35 pm

Story Time with Jomingo and SummerSky kicks ass. I can't wait for chapter two. :)
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Gnawzooka » August 29th, 2008, 2:06 pm

Nice ideas there Jomingo. I like the idea of a run-down Crocodile Isle.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Swing King » August 30th, 2008, 8:32 am

While I like your idea Jomingo, I'd rather see Mecha-Crocodile Isle or something else. It's hard enough to believe DKC2 and DKL2 tell a different story. I'd say by now the Island probably has a large population of Chomps and Lockjws, but hey. And Qyz, I worded that wrong. I would want to see EITHER a WiiWar Peg Swinger Or a Full 3D Platformer. The latter preferred if its going To be a full game. And yes, no guns.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Jomingo » August 30th, 2008, 10:45 am

Well, I guess we don't need to include Crocodile Isle, the only reason I wanted to is because it would be cool to revisit old locations with new changes to them.

I'm sure by now the Kremlings have found an equally large island to take over and convert to there habitation, but I think it must be close to the Kremling power source (as that's the source of Kremling life). Perhaps they found an island to live on and they still are close enough to tap into and use the KPS, or mayb the KPS even shifted to lie underneath this new island?

Hey, Qyz and I thought up the other day that perhaps the Lost World is the actual Crocodile Isle, and that the landmass on top of it was all fabricated by the KPS. If that is true than surely the KPS would have constructed a new island on top of the same site where it used to be located.

Or another idea, the Volcano on Crocodile Isle could have been spewing and cooling lave for the past decade, and thus created a new island.

I think the one about the KPS building a new Island above the ruins of the old is the most likely.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Swing King » August 30th, 2008, 11:37 pm

That idea is still great, but every time I think of the Kremlings new base, I think of Ghost Island. But how about this, K.Rool did try to raise Krockodile Isle, but he only suceeded in getting his castle up. Of course, he would also have to have a poorly repaired Gangplank Galleon an possibly a port town would be built around the castle. Oh, and I assume The castle's real name is Krockodile Keep. I bet K.Rool just renamed it. Or, say we get what I've been hoping for for a long time: Donkey Kong RPG.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Gnawzooka » August 30th, 2008, 11:39 pm

I don't like the sound of a DK RPG myself.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Swing King » August 31st, 2008, 1:35 am

Combine the massive world ideas with my K.Rool's Kastle idea and add some RPG stuff. I don't mean RPG like Final Fantasy/Kingdom Heats style, I mean like the Paper Mario Series. What I mean by that is talk to the other thousands of Kongs that live on the island, explore areas, buy equipment, and some good humor.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Jomingo » August 31st, 2008, 4:36 am

Yeah, an RPG could work if done right. I'd much rather have a 3D Platformer though.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Swing King » August 31st, 2008, 7:23 am

3D platformer plus+RPG+all of the ideas here so far= BEST. GAME. EVEH!. Or, we could have Junglebeat 2, but with Kongs and Kremlings added. Or a Kong VS Kremling game where you could choose to save a group of newly discovered islands, or destroy them. I heard these from all over the web so I didn't come up with the ones in this post.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Jomingo » August 31st, 2008, 7:46 am

Well, obviously the idea I posted would probably have a lot of RPG elements, similar to DKC3. Just don't take the RPGitude too far, like having your kong level up and getting hitpoints for defeating enemies. That wouldn't work, I want the enemy attacking to be quick and simple like the DKC series.

Also, new characters and species. So far we've seen Kongs, Kremlings, Bears, and Snide the Weasel. I think they need to introduce another anthrophomorphic civilisation, whether they be good or bad. I like the idea of Big Cats, like Tigers, Lions, Jaguars, Leopards, Ocelots, Lynx', Panthers, Cheetahs, etc. Maybe just Jaguars.

I would like to have a Junglebeat 2 as long as it would include characters we know, or at least give us a proper storyline. Yeah, if Junglebeat 2 had Diddy Kong it would screw up my JB DK=Cranky theory, but I could live with that.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Swing King » September 4th, 2008, 11:19 am

How about a Star Wars-like game that would be 1/2 Mario Galaxy parody, and 1/2 Star Wars parody. In the final boss fight K.Rool is dressed like Darth Vader but another Darth comes out and Cranky, in Jedi clothes engages in a battle against that one. Cranky's Cane turns in to a lightsaber-esque weapon and the other Darth has one too. basic battle where you control Cranky and after some time, Cranky is knocked to the ground as Darth pulls of his mask only for him to turn out to be Shigeru Miyamoto! :lol:

EDIT:Or this, Donkey Kong: Kavernous Kremling Kountry! K.Rool has been tunneling under Kong Island to try and activate Mt. Dynamite, but caused an earthquake making areas such as the Krystal Kaves, Chimp Caverns, Monkey Mountains, and the Monkey Mines as well as many new areas accesible. This idea ties in with Jomingo and SummerSky's ( SummerSkies? ) ideas.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby The Angry Sun » September 5th, 2008, 8:16 am

I'm still hoping for a Paper Donkey Kong in the style of both Paper Mario 64 and Super Paper Mario.
Like with Paper Mario 64 it was very Mario-ish unlike the rest of the Paper Mario series.
In other words it felt like another 2D-Sidescroller.
And with Super Paper Mario it's fast paced(coughstrecthingthetruthcough)and that's what DKc's Gameplay was about.
So basically... Paper Donkey Kong that feels right at home with the rest of the series while still keeping the fast-paced gameplay of DKC nad it's sequels.
By golly... The perfect DKC4?
Jomingo would know what I'm talking about when I say Paper Donkey Kong.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Swing King » September 5th, 2008, 11:11 am

Its times like these I can only hope the Paon Spy doesn't just lurk the DKU.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Jomingo » September 6th, 2008, 7:16 am

Unfortunately, we probably have someone useless to us. Sucker Punch studios spy?

Anyway, yeah, I guess I could like a Paper Donkey Kong if done right, but I don't know how you'd explain the story, and why everything is turned paper. Also, I don't want it to be much related to the Paper Mario stories, as then people would call it a spinoff. It would have to be a 2D sidescroller, and fast paced. There has to be some new and interesting papery mechanics, and none of the Super Paper Mario 2D to 3D switching, as then it would be called a ripoff. They could come up with some interesting play mechanics with going between 2Dimensional layers of a level, and probably some cool stuff with the Barrel Cannons and Minecarts(which are mandatory in my opinion).
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby The Angry Sun » September 6th, 2008, 8:35 am

Must there be an explanation of Paper Games?
Oh well.


I think i've got something.

K.Rool finds an ancient Kremruins site.
Inside he finds Ancient Kremling Technology.
He pushes a few buttons.
Pulls a few switches.
And all of a sudden... SWOOSH!
Everybody is in Paper.

Flak me if you wish but you try coming up with something better within 3 minutes of thinking.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Rodent » September 6th, 2008, 1:11 pm

http://s56.photobucket.com/albums/g184/ ... 2-orig.png
If it weren't for the bad Engrish on the back, it'd make a good cover.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Jomingo » September 7th, 2008, 7:23 am

Flak me if you wish but you try coming up with something better within 3 minutes of thinking.

Cranky Kong says that DK's adventures have all been flukes, and that he only succeeded because of the beautiful three dimensional graphics, and thus challenges DK to win a completely 2-dimensional adventure, and gives K. Rool the banana hoard. DK must get it back in a 2D paper-like world.

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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby The Angry Sun » September 7th, 2008, 7:47 am

Okay Jomingo.
I concede.
You win.

You came up with a better story than me.

Now if only we had a Intelligent Systems spy...
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Swing King » September 8th, 2008, 9:56 am

Actually, with Mega Man 9 and Wario Land Shake It, theres a good possibility Nintendo might do DKC4.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Sean » September 15th, 2008, 7:57 am

I'd like it to exist, frankly, though I am certainly not holding my breath for a platformer, 2-D or 3-D.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Raccoon Sam » September 15th, 2008, 8:22 am

I want the old gang of DKC Trilogy developers to gather up, even for a short period of time, to have a brainstorm of ideas to use in DKWii.
That being said, a 3-D DKC trilogy re-make would be so, freakin', radical.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Swing King » September 16th, 2008, 7:40 am

Wouldn't that be like, impossible? DK Wii needs to have the Barrel Blast areas as levels.

And I have the greatest story to come up with it.
K.Rool, having lost his people's loyalty and the island he grew up on, has snapped. returning to Mecha-Krockodile Isle, ( which is deserted ) he tries desperately to get it fixed when Snide, in an awesome redesign, appears and asks if he needs help, and then the story commences at DK's house, which from there yo can choose to head out to the village, or the beach. Everytime something important happens, you get a chance to play as another character breifly. Gong with the massive feel from Jomingo and SummerSky while taking ideas from everyone else, it would be beutiful.

It would be called
Donkey Kong: K.Rool's Kingdom.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby holysnap » October 10th, 2008, 5:55 pm

I would want either;

a) A 2D DKC style game with 3d graphics and all the classic Kongs as playable characters + maybe Lanky and Tiny.

b) A kind of Crash Bandicoot style game with linear levels (Although maybe a little more free roaming)

Definetley not another Mario 64 inspired platformer.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Swing King » October 11th, 2008, 7:52 am

:lol: :lol: :lol:
It's hilarious when someone,even a true DK fan says/thinks DK64 was SM64 inspired. Seriously, DK64 was in production almost immediately after DKC, while SM64 was in developement for, I think just before the N64 came out.

So anyway, I was thinking of a massive 3D platformer, that would take place not in the Kong Isles, but the Krockodile Isles. Think about it, would it not be awesome to fully explore areas like a DKC2-styled bramble maze, or navigate through sunken ships? I sort of had the idea while I was playing DK64 recently and thought that perhaps Gloomy Galleon might not be part of DK Island at all.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby holysnap » October 11th, 2008, 10:58 am

Swing King wrote::lol: :lol: :lol:
It's hilarious when someone,even a true DK fan says/thinks DK64 was SM64 inspired. Seriously, DK64 was in production almost immediately after DKC, while SM64 was in developement for, I think just before the N64 came out.

Do you have proof of that? I dunno it just doesn't sound right in my opinion.....If you have proof I'll be willing to believe you but if it was in development for that long there must of been many changes along the way...

And wasn't Mario 64 a launch title? It wouldn't of been in development just before the N64 came out.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Jomingo » October 13th, 2008, 7:17 am

Yeah, that sounds all wrong. SM64 was a launch title for the N64. DK64 came out three years after that. If anything it's inspired by Banjo-Kazooie.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Swing King » October 13th, 2008, 10:17 am

OK, SM64 was a launch title for the N64, we can all agree on that right? DK64 was in developement almost immediately after DKC. That's one of the reasons Dixie&Kiddy weren't in it.(I think)

So, about my Krockodile Isles idea, I thought about the game being just one huge overworld containing Gloomy Galleon, the remains of Mecha-Krockodile Isle, and Kremlantis as well as other areas to be fully explorable in 3D.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Jomingo » October 13th, 2008, 10:26 am

My idea was similar to that, but on DK Island instead, and later you would eventually persue K. Rool back to Crocodile Isle, and that whole island would be fully explorable as well.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Swing King » October 13th, 2008, 12:07 pm

But I didn't want Krockodile Isle, I thought of just some dark, gloomy isles that are near where Krockodile Isle was. The only reason I didn't want Krockodile Isle was because new players would have no idea what was going on.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby gamer_boy997 » October 13th, 2008, 12:31 pm

Swing King wrote:Actually, with Mega Man 9 and Wario Land Shake It, theres a good possibility Nintendo might do DKC4.

Wow, you just boosted my hope up. I realized that Mega Man 9 was released on VC, even though it never really existed, could this mean they will realease a DKC4 on to the VC? I sure up so. If they do, here are my ideas:
It should be about Diddy and Dixie being kidnapped, and Kiddy and Donkey will go rescue them. Gameplay will be like the other games, except DK coins will now be hidden, instead of defeating those koin guys. There could be 3/4 player contests, and a 2 teams of 2 contest, :D . There could be much more...
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby holysnap » October 13th, 2008, 6:52 pm

Jomingo wrote:Yeah, that sounds all wrong. SM64 was a launch title for the N64. DK64 came out three years after that. If anything it's inspired by Banjo-Kazooie.

Which was inspired by Mario 64.

Swing King wrote:OK, SM64 was a launch title for the N64, we can all agree on that right? DK64 was in developement almost immediately after DKC. That's one of the reasons Dixie&Kiddy weren't in it.(I think)

So, about my Krockodile Isles idea, I thought about the game being just one huge overworld containing Gloomy Galleon, the remains of Mecha-Krockodile Isle, and Kremlantis as well as other areas to be fully explorable in 3D.

I still don't see any of your proof. :roll:
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Swing King » October 13th, 2008, 11:54 pm


I'm sorry, but I'm tired of explaining all this.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Raccoon Sam » October 14th, 2008, 3:45 am


I'm sorry, but I'm tired of explaining all this.

Whoa, monkey man, have a banana 'n calm down.
Holysnap has a valid point right there. You need to give us some proof before jumping into this kind of arguments.
I mean, without a source, your point is as reliable as an onion.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Jomingo » October 14th, 2008, 6:28 am

Banjo-Kazooie was definately a ripoff of SM64, because they can never make another 3D free roaming platformer without it being a copy, right? Oh wait, not right. I don't care if the average Nintendo fanboy tries to convince everyone that everything Rare has ever done is a outright ripoff of other games, because it's not true. With that logic you could call DKC a ripoff of Super Mario Bros., and SFA a ripoff of LoZ.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby holysnap » October 14th, 2008, 3:48 pm


I'm sorry, but I'm tired of explaining all this.

=O Calm down man.

I was not being insulting I was just saying that you don't have any proof.

Jomingo wrote:Banjo-Kazooie was definately a ripoff of SM64, because they can never make another 3D free roaming platformer without it being a copy, right? Oh wait, not right. I don't care if the average Nintendo fanboy tries to convince everyone that everything Rare has ever done is a outright ripoff of other games, because it's not true. With that logic you could call DKC a ripoff of Super Mario Bros., and SFA a ripoff of LoZ.

Did I say it was a rip-off? If you look back to my posts I said inspired.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby Jomingo » October 15th, 2008, 9:58 am

Which is a nicer way of saying copied.
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Re: What do you want from DK Wii?

Postby holysnap » October 15th, 2008, 8:57 pm

Jomingo wrote:Which is a nicer way of saying copied.

Actually it isn't. Inspired is when you take the basic foundations of something and expand upon it to make it an entirely different game. Copied is where you take something and add little or nothing to expand it or make it it's own game.

But anyway, this topic isn't about that so how about we move on?
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