DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

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DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby Jomingo » June 11th, 2008, 7:17 am

Well, we all know that the little Italian plumber has had his hands full with all of his sport outings lately. But what would you think of a DK sport game? If something like this ever came to exist, what sport would you want most? Or maybe it wouldn't be a sport, maybe it would be a party game. So, anybody got any ideas?
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Re: DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby Kowbrainz » June 11th, 2008, 8:25 pm

Oh, I thought you meant some sort of beer game to play with friends, lol.

No thanks; no sports, fighters or party spinoffs for me, please. Can't stand the way they've milked Mario for all his money with these rubbishy titles coming out each year. Hey, I admit every now and then a good game comes along. Mario Kart DS was nice, melee was cool; but practically all of the new games are just sequels with as little upgrades as possible (in some cases even downgrades) and perhaps some better graphics. Woo hoo.
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Re: DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby Jomingo » June 12th, 2008, 3:08 am

Well, I think that a sport game is a great way to have some fan service. Sports like baseball or football have a lot of players, so the developer would have to dig deep in DK's history to come up with characters. Imagine playing as Klubba or Whizpig, or even the Queen Banana Bird?

I only have a couple ideas.
1) A party game designed as a game show hosted by Swanky Kong. The minigames would be DKC relevant though, not like Mario Party. "Hey lets press the A button as fast as we can to blow up a balloon!" Nothing like that. And instead of just minigames, or having a boardgame, there would be a big tic tac toe board, and the winner of each minigame gets to place an X or an O, and also between each minigame there would be a big Wheel to spin. And there would be a story mode.
2) Most sport's don't really fit with Donkey Kong, so they could make up a new sport called "Jungle Ball" or something to that effect. I imagine it would be similar to football, where each team stands facing the other team, and they would try to get to the other side, but this side would be more like Basketball, in that they have to throw the ball(coconut) into a basket(barrel). There would be obstacles on the field, items, powerups, etc. There could be 36 main characters playable, 18 good and 18 bad. Each character would be either a Power, Speed, or Balance. There would be 6 players on a team, and there would be story mode. The story mode would be like a tournament against the other teams, and there would be a story telling why you are even playing the game. The story would have something to do with the Queen Banana Bird, and she'd be the final boss, (yes, there would even be bosses).

What d'you think?
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Re: DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby gamer_boy997 » June 12th, 2008, 3:14 am

I don't think the Queen Bannana Bird should be a boss. She was more of an ally in DKC3, so I think she should still be an ally, and the bosses should be Very Gnawty, Kleever, Arich, etc. King K. Rool would make a better final boss than the Queen Bannana Bird, unless King K. Rool is a character, than it should be at least someone that isn' t an ally.
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Re: DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby Jomingo » June 12th, 2008, 3:28 am

Well, King K. Rool would be playable. The reason I said Queen Banana Bird was that you can also play as Kremlings, so I figured not all of the bosses should be bad guys. Why would the bad guys fight the bad guys? Plus, the Queen Banana Bird was the most important Neutral character in the series. These were my ideas for bosses:
Queen Banana Bird, Very Gnawty, Karate Kong, Klubba, Krow, Kaos, Queen B., Whizpig, and Kudgel.

I had a few other ideas, like Arich, but I wanted to make all the bosses unlockable, and a few characters would be two big to be playable, like Arich. These 9 would add 9 more to the roster as a secret team, making it 45 characters instead of 36.
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Re: DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby gamer_boy997 » June 12th, 2008, 3:32 am

Sorry about that :oops:, for an idea, there could be two story modes, one for the kongs, and one for kremlings.
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Re: DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby Jomingo » June 12th, 2008, 3:38 am

I don't know about that, I think that this choice of bosses works good for both Kongs and Kremlings. Most of them are neutral, and not really on either side, (ie. Whizpig, Queen Banana Bird, Karate Kong, Kaos, Klubba). Maybe two story modes is a good idea. I don't know, I'll think about it some more.
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Re: DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby Tiptup Jr. » June 12th, 2008, 9:09 am

First of all, I'd just like to clarify this: Rare owns Wizpig. Sorry.

As far as the actual topic goes... I'm not sure if another party game from Paon is a good idea. Don't get me wrong, I'd love it, but with Barrel Blast being the commercial failure it was, I'm not sure Paon can handle the big ape as well as we thought.

Now, if Nintendo made a DK sports game and still retained most of the DKC elements, it would be good. I've always thought that the Kongs and Kremlings were always destined to star in a bowling game. Wouldn't this be awesome? You could have items, different areas to play (Kongo Jungle, teh Gangplank Galleon) and a literal buttload of characters (All the Kongs, Barrel Blast Kremlings, DKC drones, NPCs from DK64, etc.) Heck, it could even have Stanley the Bugman and the Jungle Beat Kongs playable. I just want my Donkey Kong Bowling game to happen, and fast.
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Re: DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby Jomingo » June 12th, 2008, 10:56 am

I don't think bowling would be interesting enough to make a whole enjoyable game out of. By the way, I would like to have some DK64 characters in this DK Jungle Ball idea of mine, but I never played it. Any ideas for characters? The only one I know of is Snide.
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Re: DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby Tiptup Jr. » June 12th, 2008, 12:21 pm

Oh, there's a ton. You could have K. Lumsy, Banana Fairy, the Mermaid, memorable bosses such as Mad Jack and Dogadon, and minor characters like the bookworm, the llama, the bunny, the owl, the buzzer, the big plant dude, the seal... the list goes on and on. I think I listed pretty much all the NPCs, at least.

And if you can take something as mundane as the sport of baseball and turn it into Mario Superstar Baseball, I'm pretty sure my bowling idea could work. You're probably not envisioning it as I am.
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Re: DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby DKCplayer » June 12th, 2008, 2:01 pm

... of course... PIN THE TIE ON DK! XD
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Re: DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby CM August » June 12th, 2008, 10:43 pm

With regards to wanting a sport/party game at all: it would depend on how well the integrity of the world was maintained. Take Donkey Konga for example. If it was actually filled exclusively with DKC music and remixes, had good animation and visuals, and was generally faithful to the series in all regards, I'd have picked it up without question. Even better if it included many different characters to play as, purely for cosmetic reasons and multiplayer fun.

Naturally it would be a problem if these diversionary titles crowded out the actual DK platformers, but it would be possible to maintain the distinct Donkey Kong Country charm throughout.
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Re: DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby Jomingo » June 13th, 2008, 3:58 am

This is the main 36 person roster I mentioned before, but I'd like to change it. I've run out of ideas, so there are some blank spots/crappy choices:
K. Rool---Kip--------Kritter
Kludge----Kass------Cat 0 9 tails
Dread K.--(?)---------Manky Kong

*-This would be a new kremling equivalent to Kiddy Kong.
?- These are ones I'm unsure of.
Note: These are arranged by Power--Speed--Balanced. They are not arranged against there equal enemies, such as K. Rool and Cranky.
Note2: I wanted to mix it up, especially with the kremling side. I didn't want to have 18 green kremlings, I tried to mix up the colors and species, hence Cat '0' 9 tails, Dread Kong, Manky Kong, Snide, Bleak, Mo Hog.
Note3: I also had those boss characters, (Very Gnawty, Queen Banana Bird, Karate Kong, Kaos, Krow, Queen B., Klubba, Kudgel, and Whizpig), But I'm not sure about them now. I'd like to have Klubba and Queen Banana Bird in the game for sure.
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Re: DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby Jomingo » September 2nd, 2008, 2:36 am

Bumpity Bump.

I was just thinking the other day. In this thread, I've been setting up the sport game roster as if Paon was making it. But isn't it much more likely that Nintendo would have another developer do it, like they've done with all the Mario sports? Can you imagine how bad a DK sport game would be if it were treated like a Mario sport game?

First of all, we've been thinking of a kremling that would work well against Kiddy Kong. But isn't it more likely that they would put Baby DK in instead of Kiddy Kong? Likewise, I think it's likely they'd create a Baby K. Rool, AKA Prince K. Rool (though I still think that Kip is K. Rool's son).
Also, it's likely they'd create an evil doppelganger character for DK, or turn another character into one(please make it Manky!)
There probably wouldn't be nearly as many as I've posted(what was that, like 45?). Depending on the sport, there'll probably be anywhere from 16 to 24. I doubt they'd continue the Kongs Vs. Kremlings dynamic, and instead include other characters(I'm okay with that). I'd like to think that they'd include a Brothers Bear member, but I'm really unsure about that. I mean, if they are trying to think of fresh faces instead of the same Kongs and Kremlings, I would hope that they'd stumble upon the Bears at some point.

I'm sure a lot of us would by that game, but I doubt it would sell well, and I'm sure not many of use would like it. Though, now I feel a strong urge to draw a baby K. Rool.....
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Re: DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby Gnawzooka » September 2nd, 2008, 10:37 am

Heh, I once made up a character called "Kid K.Rool". :lol: That was years ago, and before I realised that King K.Rool and Kaptain K.Rool were meant to be the same person (I thought they were brothers :oops: ), so there was also a Cyborg Kaptain K.Rool.
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Re: DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby holysnap » October 8th, 2008, 3:39 pm

I agree with Kowz mainly although one or two spin-offs per console I think isn't bad and gives you a bit more of insight into the characters as well as being fun (if the games good that is.) As long as it doesn't become like the mario series which has about 11 spin-offs on the gamecube alone. :shock:

That said, I would like to see "Donkey Kong racing" back in development. It looked like an awesome game and differentiates itself from Mario kart because of the whole riding animals thing.

@ Jomingo - your party idea would still be called a mario party rip-off but your other idea sounds good although a bit like mario hoops 3 on 3.
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Re: DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby Jomingo » October 9th, 2008, 6:51 am

"Donkey Kong Racing" as we know it will NEVER return, because Rare is now owned by Microsoft. If they ever decide to finish it, it will actually be Sabreman Stampede(retooled for the Sabreman series, as Rare can't use DK anymore).
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Re: DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby holysnap » October 9th, 2008, 8:36 am

I ment it to be made by PAON or Nintendo and have it similar, I didn't mean the exact same one as the one that was cancelled.
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DK's Jungle Games!

Postby Qyzbud » October 9th, 2008, 10:13 am

Yeah, and there's no need to bring legal issues, logic, or technicalities into this... We're all allowed to dream. ;)

I like the idea of sports which particularly fit a beach or jungle setting, as those environments are full of tropical atmosphere and suit DK's characters perfectly. Rather than focussing on one sport, I think a multi-event title along the lines of "DK's Jungle Games" would be great. I agree with CM August that the most important thing for a game like this is that DK's world is well represented, so any equipment used would have to be in-keeping with the DKC series.

As for the events themselves; firstly, beach volleyball is an obvious choice to me. Some have suggested this for Mario's bunch, and one or two of his Party games have some beach volleyball action, but this is definitely a sport with 'DK' stamped all over it. Both Funky and DK have beach balls amongst their gear, so I'd say there's a fair chance the Kongs hit the beach for quick game now and then... ;)

Next, I really like Jomingo's idea of a new game called 'Jungle Ball'. Mixing and matching elements from pre-existing sports, and including a few completely unique concepts, I think this would be a wonderful idea with some great potential.

Another idea I like is to include a series of obstacle courses, which let the Kongs show off their adventuring/platforming skills. Essentially, this could be a unique take on the 'racing' concept, where the different skills and physical attributes of each Kong allow them to tackle the courses in different ways. For example; Diddy is typically more agile than DK, but perhaps he could encounter dense vegetation that slows him down, while DK can just charge on through.

Having Cranky referee the competitions would be cool, although it might be even more fun to have him as a commentator! Swanky could also be the host or referee. Specifically, I think it would be great to have Swanky host a selection of sideshow games, which are more like 'minigames' than main events. Quizzes and target practice would be a nice start.
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Re: DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby Jomingo » October 9th, 2008, 10:30 am

Jomingo wrote:I actually had an idea the other day of a Donkey Kong Colliseum, in which the Kongs, Krems, and others compete in an Olympic-esque physical sport showdown, which would essentially be a combination of Wii Sports(in that there are several sports to play) and Mario Sports(in that there are tons of characters and environments, etc.).
There would be Bowling, Boxing, Hockey, Volleyball, JungleBall, and perhaps a few others.

Accidentally posted this in the Mario sports topic.
Anyway, as you can see it's similar to your idea Qyz.

So, I think that Hockey(technically 'field hockey', as there would probably not be ice on most stages) would be good, as Donkey Kong Hockey actually existed, and it was both Mario and Donkey Kong's first sport. Also, it was actually cranky kong in it as DK, so it was Cranky's first and only sport(so far) game. Also, Mario's hasn't done it so it would be good.

Then Beach Volleyball screams DK. It just fits perfectly, and Mario hasn't done it.

An obstacle course/race level would be cool, maybe even better if the stats came from riding animal buddies instead of just running. ;)

Bowling just seems fun if they added a DK twist, and Mario's never done it.

I guess I could do without boxing, as the Punchout remake will be essentially the same thing.

Oh, and Jungle ball.

Swanky could easily be referee or host, but I really want him playable.
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Re: DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby Swing King » October 9th, 2008, 11:19 am

[quote="Jomingo"]"Donkey Kong Racing" as we know it will NEVER return.quote]

Y'know, the other day I was thinking, Paon gives of the impression of being DKC fans right, well, I thought perhaps Barrel Blast was made for us, the ones who missed out on it.
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Re: DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby swoopysalvo » October 9th, 2008, 1:06 pm

Jomingo wrote:First of all, we've been thinking of a kremling that would work well against Kiddy Kong. But isn't it more likely that they would put Baby DK in instead of Kiddy Kong? Likewise, I think it's likely they'd create a Baby K. Rool, AKA Prince K. Rool (though I still think that Kip is K. Rool's son).

Most likely the ones that do a Mario-like sports game do it with the Mario series. A developer aware of the DK series and the characters, themes, areas ect. would develop a DK game. And for multiple reason it is not likely that they would put in DK's baby self in a game over Kiddy.

1. Kiddy doesn't have much in common with Baby DK other then the qualities he shares with the grown up DK. Kiddy isn't a baby either he's supposedly a toddler but he could be identified as a five year old. Kiddy also isn't the same size as Baby DK.

2. Baby DK isn't a part of the DK liscense and never has been. Even though he is supposed a younger version of Donkey Kong.

Also any kremling that had already appeared in the series would match up well considering Kritter was matched up with DK successfully, Kopter was matched with Wrinkly, Lanky with Klump, and Cranky with K. Rool. Krunch would even work.
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Re: DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby Qyzbud » October 9th, 2008, 3:10 pm

Jomingo wrote:Donkey Kong Colliseum ... an Olympic-esque physical sport showdown ... Bowling, Boxing, Hockey, Volleyball, JungleBall, and perhaps a few others.

Heh, that does sound a darn lot like what I was thinking. :P
I was actually considering that perhaps hockey techniques could be incorporated into the Jungleball game, but I like the idea of it being a sport where players can hold the ball as they run (no need to bounce, like in basketball), and use hands/feet/tail/head to tap it, throw it, kick it etc... melee stuff. Maybe sticks could be incorporated (strapped to their backs, to be taken out optionally), and maybe there could be a goal at each end that players can run behind. Those are hockey concepts, but perhaps they would be better saved for an actual hockey game/event.

Perhaps Jungleball could have multiple scoring options... A rugby/NFL style goal line (worth 1 point), a soccer/hockey style goal (2 points), and a basketball style net (3 points). I'm liking the idea of this, as it combines a few existing sports in a unique way. It might be a bit of a nightmare to control, but you never know - it could be the best jungle sport ever! That or it could be utterly ludicrous. :roll:

swoopysalvo wrote:...Kopter was matched with Wrinkly, Lanky with Klump, and Cranky with K. Rool...

Although it's kind of cool to be able to play as Kremlings, I personally think I'd rather have a DK sports title (such as DK's Jungle Games) be either just amongst the Kongs, or perhaps Kongs vs. Kremlings... but not have both Kongs and Krems on the same team. Even Barrel Blast's 'level playing field' approach where it was everyone vs. everyone just felt weird to me. If Kremlings are involved, the Kongs should always team up against them.

That said, having Kremlings as unlockable players (like Krusha in DK64's multiplayer) is a nice addition to spice things up... but I far prefer to think of the crocs as an opposing force, rather than just extra characters to choose from.

What do others think about this?
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Re: DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby holysnap » October 9th, 2008, 8:58 pm

Qyzbud wrote:
Jomingo wrote:Donkey Kong Colliseum ... an Olympic-esque physical sport showdown ... Bowling, Boxing, Hockey, Volleyball, JungleBall, and perhaps a few others.

Heh, that does sound a darn lot like what I was thinking. :P
I was actually considering that perhaps hockey techniques could be incorporated into the Jungleball game, but I like the idea of it being a sport where players can hold the ball as they run (no need to bounce, like in basketball), and use hands/feet/tail/head to tap it, throw it, kick it etc... melee stuff. Maybe sticks could be incorporated (strapped to their backs, to be taken out optionally), and maybe there could be a goal at each end that players can run behind. Those are hockey concepts, but perhaps they would be better saved for an actual hockey game/event.

Perhaps Jungleball could have multiple scoring options... A rugby/NFL style goal line (worth 1 point), a soccer/hockey style goal (2 points), and a basketball style net (3 points). I'm liking the idea of this, as it combines a few existing sports in a unique way. It might be a bit of a nightmare to control, but you never know - it could be the best jungle sport ever! That or it could be utterly ludicrous. :roll:

As long as it doesn't turn out like another Mario & Sonic at the Olympic games. :|
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Re: DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby Jomingo » October 10th, 2008, 6:38 am

Well, I'd rather just include a few popular Kremlings instead of making it Kongs VS. Kremlings. I mean, the Kongs are really the focus of the series, so 10 Kongs, 5 kremlings, and Brash Bear would be good.

I really like the concept of Jungleball, as we can incorporate elements of Hockey(whereas normally I might think Hockey to not fit the DK atmosphere). Perhaps have a barrel on each side with a goalie, and the players run downfield(with ball in hand, passing and bouncing the ball from player to player) and try to throw the ball into the barrel. A goalie would try to stop it. I think 3 players and 1 goalie per team would be good if we want it to be a small field that moves back and forth quickly, but if we want it bigger and more like American Football then we could make it 5 to a team(plus goalie).

Also, should it be viewed from the side like most basketball and soccor games(preferable for games in which the ball changes from team to team quickly), or from behind the offensive team like in American Football?

Also, in order to mix more sports into it perhaps there could be a basketball hoop in the back, but it would be treated like a field goal in American Football, in which you only use it for special shots(that are worth different amounts of points too).

I was also thinking to spice it up that maybe they could play the game hovering in the air with barrel jets, and the goals would hover too. But I don't know if that's a good idea, because playing on the ground just gives it more atmosphere....
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Re: DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby Swing King » October 10th, 2008, 6:58 am

Well, maybe have some sort of gimmick strapped on to it, like, you use Barrel Jets in the Chimpanzee Clouds feild.
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Re: DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » June 11th, 2009, 11:22 am

Please PM me if my suggestions are already posted

Hmmmm... DKC poker? I love putting sprites into poker games.
DK rugby? (I'd like to see the wild side of the kongs)
My #1 favorite must do: Donkey Kong Golf!!!!!!! :D :) :| With all the characters, just DKC charecters, unlike Mario golf
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Re: DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby CoolStyleE » July 17th, 2009, 3:58 pm

SmudgeKWOOD wrote:My #1 favorite must do: Donkey Kong Golf!!!!!!!

Better start hacking the Tiger Woods PGA Tour games. :P
Don't drop bombs on me, but I'd like to see a DK skateboarding game. (Anybody wanna hack the Tony Hawk's Pro Skater games... ?) DK, Diddy, all those guys, (Err, monkeys) look like they'd be good in a skate game.
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Re: DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby Kimi Kong » June 12th, 2010, 7:28 am

I dont know about any of you,but if they ever made a Donkey kong football game, i would crap myself.

But that would be cool. Heh heh, i would kill to see Dixie on a football feild in a football uniform kicking ass in football. :lol:
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Re: DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby Tiptup Jr. » June 13th, 2010, 6:44 am

Interesting... football (assuming you're talking about the American version, ha) seems to be the only major sport that Mario and friends haven't touched. That could work, with most of the DK series' muscularly-developed cast (DK, Funky, Chunky, every Krusha clone), and then seeing Dixie and such out there in football uniforms would be humorous. And maybe there could be some cheerleading mode, too- Not just for certain characters, but picture K. Rool in a cheerleader's outfit! :D

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Re: DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby Jomingo » June 13th, 2010, 10:45 am

Tiptup you're a sick man and/or turtle. Tsk Tsk.
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Re: DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby DK4Ever » June 13th, 2010, 5:50 pm

Personally I liked the idea you had a while ago, Jo; a Party-style game designed as a gameshow hosted by Swanky. That could turn out to be pretty cool.

Tiptup..why you gotta go puttin' these images in my head? Why you gotta go doin' that?
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Re: DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby Tiptup Jr. » June 13th, 2010, 7:10 pm

I... apologize. I am extremely sick-minded. :|

But anyway yeah, football, great idea and all.
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Re: DKC Sport/ Party Game Ideas

Postby Kimi Kong » June 16th, 2010, 5:26 am

I liked his idea too. It was cool, even though i dont like Swanky all that much.

And to TipTup jr., its alright that you're sick minded, and the K.rool in a cheerleader outfit idea was hilarious. I'm still laughing. LOL :lol:

You were also right about having cheerleaders on the game too. Candy has to have something to do. :lol: And Tiny could be either on. Depending what kind of mood the creaters (aka ME) would be in when they are making it. She'd be a pretty cheerleader and a pretty tough football player. :lol:
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