Jomingo's Crazy Ideas: A Donkey Kong RTS

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Jomingo's Crazy Ideas: A Donkey Kong RTS

Postby Jomingo » July 25th, 2010, 2:06 pm

So this might be a little weird, but I've been piecing together what a DK RTS would be like, and I'm wondering what your thoughts are on the prospect. Could a DK RTS work?

Let me lay down the groundwork for you. There are two races: Kongs and Kremlings. Both rely on harvesting bananas, as bananas are the main resource of the game. The playing field would put your starting base on the opposite side of the map from the opposing team's, and there would be banana trees close to your base. You would have drones collecting bananas and building structures. For the Kongs these are generic Diddy looking types, for the Kremlings they are Kritters.

The Kongs would simply start with a treehouse/banana hoard. This is where Drones are spawned and bananas are dumped. Drones can build a Barracks (deploys troops), Funky's Flights (airstrikes), Cranky's Cabin (he'll sell you upgrades), Bumpkin's Barn (animal buddies, essentially acting as stronger vehicles), Snide's HQ (some miscellaneous contraptions, including barrels you can build to blast you from one side to the other, and a Spotter Tree where Kongs can attack oncoming units from a tower). A barrack's is required before you can build Funky's, Cranky's, or Bumpkin's, and Cranky's is required for Snide's.
The Barracks can spawn Monkey's (Diddy look alikes, with jetpacks and peanut guns, fast but weak), Gorillas (DK look alikes, with orange grenades and coconut cannons, slow but strong), and upgraded versions of both.
Funky can build up to three planes, each which can airstrike once every minute and a half.
Bumpkin's Barn lets you buy Rambi (basically a tank), Expresso (crazy fast, used for travel only, units will use it to run across the map and then dismount when attacked), Squawks (for transporting up to 3 troops anywhere on the map, basically a Carrier), and Squitter (can place weak barriers plus has good ranged web attacks).

The Kongs are very basic but have one uniquity that the Kremlings don't have: Heroes. Once upgraded at Cranky's the Kongs can deploy a Hero once every so often. This would be DK, Diddy, or Dixie themselves deploying on the field. They have a lot of health and are very strong but can only be spawned in certain time increments, let's say once every five minutes.

The Kremlings are much less straightforward than the Kongs. In most RTSs, each race has some form of power that each structure consumes and you have to build enough generators of whatever kind to compensate for your amount of structures. The Kongs don't have a system like that, each structure has no limits on it. The Kremlings do: The Kremlings have to build Force Points.
The Force Points are small volcanoes of energy, and have two purposes; they are pretty much exactly like Pylons in Starcraft. Basically, each Force Point has a radius of energy around it, and Kremlings can't build anything outside the radius of a Force Point. Also, they have to build enough FP's to power the number of units they have deployed. Each FP can supply say, 8 units, and some units count as more than one.

The Kremling starting point is a Lost World Volcano with kremling head and all. It can spawn Kritters. Kritters harvest bananas which are brought to the start point. I haven't mapped out the Kremlings entire tree yet, but their would be a greater variety of units, and they would attack in greater numbers.

So what do you guys think? Could this game work? Would you include the Bears as a third race? What changes would you make to my ideas? What would you do with the Kremlings?

Sage of Discovery
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Re: Jomingo's Crazy Ideas: A Donkey Kong RTS

Postby Simion32 » July 25th, 2010, 4:21 pm

Not much to say other than that this is not such a crazy idea, in fact it's very good. ;)

As for the Brothers Bear, I think they could be worked into your idea somehow. Maybe the game could be based off of the Kremean War that Bazooka Bear refers to in DKC3. It would give a very reasonable storyline for the game.
Sage of Discovery
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Re: Jomingo's Crazy Ideas: A Donkey Kong RTS

Postby Jomingo » July 26th, 2010, 7:43 am

The same was suggested at the DKU, it does seem fitting. The only thing that would make me not want it based on the Kremean War is that the Kremean War is in the distant past, during Cranky and Bazooka's younger days. This would mean that Funky, DK, Diddy, or any other modern character wouldn't fit. I don't know if I'd want it based in the past like that... perhaps a second Kremean War set in present day, like the second Korean war we are starting with North Korea right now (if you haven't followed that just tell me and I'll fill you in). Or perhaps there is a subset of sidemissions taking place during the Kremean War which feature no Hero Kongs, and only a younger Cranky (as well as some other changes).

I thought about naming the Kong's Barracks "Bazooka's Barrack's", but then I thought I might want the bears involved as their own race. It's also possible that the Tikis could be the third race once we find out more about them, or perhaps a neutral Pirate Kremling Krew that follow Klubba and are disloyal to K. Rool. I think I could build a unique third race using the bears though.

EDIT: Also, it's been suggested that the Diddy lookalike building/collecting drones would look too much like the Diddy lookalike units so instead they should be either Party Monkeys from Jungle Beat or the Hurleys from Barrel Blast. I do think they should be changed, but I'm not sure about those two suggestions. Perhaps they could be Diddy or DK lookalikes with bright yellow hard-hats.
Sage of Discovery
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Re: Jomingo's Crazy Ideas: A Donkey Kong RTS

Postby ProfessionalUsername » March 13th, 2015, 4:35 pm

The world needs more strategy games with monkies.
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