Donkey Kong 5: A Journey Over Time and Space (Bootleg)

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Donkey Kong 5: A Journey Over Time and Space (Bootleg)

Postby Gaz » January 2nd, 2015, 4:38 am

Hi DKC Atlas, Happy New Year! :gift:

dk5titlescreen.png (2.51 KiB) Viewed 13490 times

I am playing a bootleg game "Donkey Kong 5: A Journey Over Time and Space" (the subtitle is very unfitting and is entirely irrelevant to the game). Oddly, the level layouts seem to be entirely taken from Super Mario Bros., more specifically Super Mario Bros. Deluxe. The enemies function the same but are not the Mario enemies (e.g. blue armadillos as Koopas, etc.). The world Warp Pipes are also included! :D The file select screen is also stolen taken directly from SMBDX.

Some of the sprites are also from DKC GBC but recolored, including DK's Cranky Crosshair sprites. I'm unsure where the rest of the backgrounds and elements come from, but DK on the title screen is taken from that of DK '94's. The game is pretty good for a bootleg, but the physics are pretty ugly (like Super Donkey Kong '99)'s. :(

What I find weird is that sprites of the Tasmanian Devil are used when DK runs.

Let's examine the cartridge, shall we? I got this from a site that posts bootleg ROMs for folks to enjoy (not going to link to be safe):

Like you'd expect, official DK renders are slapped all over the cartridge label. A label says in Engrish "The product is fit for GBC machine" (expect Engrish in the game too). Renders include one of Funky Kong, a group art of the DK64 playable Kongs, render of DK and Diddy from DKC, and a Melee render of DK. All of the current said information suggests that the game was made after 2001 (definitely after 2000).

Now for the story (the game's beginning dialogue is in Engrish, so I had to try a bit here...):

A fairy named Sadoma/Sodoma is responsible of taking care of all of the world's fruit, providing them with sunlight, water and air. But there is a dragon-like creature named Lombado/Lonbado, (one instance of each name being spelled either way, including with Sadoma) who dislikes green grass, plants and flowers. He abducted Sadoma to prevent plant growth.

Donkey Kong would get nutrition from eating the fruit (contrarily, he would get health from eating a drumstick during gameplay). There was no food for him to eat, and the lack of it turned him from a strong gorilla in to a thin monkey (who is, I'm not kidding, a cyan-colored Diddy; DK turns into him if hit as himself in gameplay... DKL déjà vu! :scratch: ). He left for the forest (from a harbor) to save Sadoma.

What a weird story. Images of the opening intro below:
Donkey Kong 5 - The Journey of Over Time and Space (Unlicensed, English) [Fixed].png
Donkey Kong 5 - The Journey of Over Time and Space (Unlicensed, English) [Fixed].png (4.5 KiB) Viewed 13490 times
Donkey Kong 5 - The Journey of Over Time and Space (Unlicensed, English) [Fixed]2.png
Donkey Kong 5 - The Journey of Over Time and Space (Unlicensed, English) [Fixed]2.png (2.66 KiB) Viewed 13490 times
Donkey Kong 5 - The Journey of Over Time and Space (Unlicensed, English) [Fixed]4.png
Donkey Kong 5 - The Journey of Over Time and Space (Unlicensed, English) [Fixed]4.png (2.97 KiB) Viewed 13490 times

Videos of the game (by me):

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Re: Donkey Kong 5: A Journey Over Time and Space (Bootleg)

Postby Tyrannicus » January 6th, 2015, 10:58 am

Great review, Gaz! It's such a bizarre game. I've been looking for this game for years. Hopefully I can find a cartridge someday, either the version you have or the rumble cart version.
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