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Re: --Translated-- SDK2 Editor, SDK3 Editor & DKC3 Map Tool

got question, im trying to edit one of the dkc2 hack japanese but sdk2_editor giving me error that saying `rom cannot be opened please check that your rom is correct region and doesnt have a header`.. i used lunar ips patch to play a hack someone made in japanese. any solution?
by karahanli
July 1st, 2015, 6:44 am
Forum: ROM Hacking
Topic: --Translated-- SDK2 Editor, SDK3 Editor & DKC3 Map Tools.
Replies: 52
Views: 218694

Re: SDK2 Editor Discussion

got question, im trying to edit one of the dkc2 hack japanese but sdk2_editor giving me error that saying `rom cannot be opened please check that your rom is correct region and doesnt have a header`.. i used lunar ips patch to play a hack someone made in japanese. any solution?
by karahanli
July 1st, 2015, 6:41 am
Forum: ROM Hacking
Topic: SDK2 Editor Discussion
Replies: 18
Views: 51630

Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

i can tell u that my english is not perfect and still trying to learn i respect to forum rules but it shouldnt be problem if someone cant talk with good english i think or it became racism ;)
by karahanli
August 23rd, 2012, 2:56 pm
Forum: ROM Hacks
Topic: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete
Replies: 67
Views: 238515

Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

ive tried too many times but it never show up man im so sad because of this i couldnt play last 3 days :(
by karahanli
August 21st, 2012, 11:18 am
Forum: ROM Hacks
Topic: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete
Replies: 67
Views: 238515

Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

hi again mentholcase im trying to finish kreepy krow but the barrels not coming even i kill all eagles so can u upload saved states for snes? thank u !
by karahanli
August 20th, 2012, 2:25 pm
Forum: ROM Hacks
Topic: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete
Replies: 67
Views: 238515

Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

thank u :D im gonna find a DK coin now like u said lol :D also i wonder are u working on another dkc2 version mentholcase ? its gonna be perfect if u :)
by karahanli
July 21st, 2012, 1:24 pm
Forum: ROM Hacks
Topic: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete
Replies: 67
Views: 238515

Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

hi again mentholcase i wanna say first this is amazing job and thousands thanks for u but ive watched ur this video i found a hard way to play with dixie :) also u are so smart i wanna tell u this :) im recording a video now ill upload here soon ;) edit: he...
by karahanli
July 20th, 2012, 8:56 am
Forum: ROM Hacks
Topic: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete
Replies: 67
Views: 238515

Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

Thank you So Much it worked and im playing with both kongs also DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete Thousands Thanks ! !
by karahanli
June 4th, 2012, 10:12 am
Forum: ROM Hacks
Topic: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete
Replies: 67
Views: 238515

Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

thanks for ur answer but how i can start with both kongs? im playing with SNES.. Thank you
by karahanli
June 4th, 2012, 9:46 am
Forum: ROM Hacks
Topic: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete
Replies: 67
Views: 238515

Re: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete

hi man ive downloaded ur rom also patched and played its awesome thank you very very much for doing this! but theres a problem when i start game its coming just with male monkey its not coming with girl monkey together why ? im from turkey and i love dkc2 thats why i came this forum please help me.....
by karahanli
June 3rd, 2012, 2:01 pm
Forum: ROM Hacks
Topic: mentholcase humbly presents: DKC2: Hard As Kongcrete
Replies: 67
Views: 238515

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