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Re: Where can I get DKC trilogy sound effects?

I need it :( Can someone re-upload them?
by Kvinxx
August 4th, 2012, 11:17 am
Forum: General DKC Discussion
Topic: Where can I get DKC trilogy sound effects?
Replies: 7
Views: 15040

Re: Help Me :(

Invalid or Deleted File :( Above link has been fixed
by Kvinxx
July 31st, 2012, 11:59 am
Forum: General DKC Discussion
Topic: Where can I get DKC trilogy sound effects?
Replies: 7
Views: 15040

Where can I get DKC trilogy sound effects?

Hello, I wonder if someone could tell me where i can find the sound effects of DKC1,2 or 3 'cause I make music with them, or if it exists in some post, i would appreciate it forever. Thanks (:
by Kvinxx
July 31st, 2012, 11:22 am
Forum: General DKC Discussion
Topic: Where can I get DKC trilogy sound effects?
Replies: 7
Views: 15040

Re: a Chat for DKC Atlas?

by Kvinxx
November 17th, 2011, 8:19 am
Forum: DKC Atlas Discussion
Topic: a Chat for DKC Atlas?
Replies: 10
Views: 35926

Re: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer

millions and millions of eggs

Why I'm sitting on the Eiffel Tower?
by Kvinxx
November 6th, 2011, 4:59 pm
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer
Replies: 2168
Views: 3887894

Re: DKC Remix Discussion

Well I do not know if it actually goes here, I lose a little

by Kvinxx
October 28th, 2011, 9:45 am
Forum: General DKC Discussion
Topic: DKC Remix Discussion
Replies: 108
Views: 241148

Re: a Chat for DKC Atlas?

I know a mod that adds a chat :D
by Kvinxx
October 19th, 2011, 8:02 am
Forum: DKC Atlas Discussion
Topic: a Chat for DKC Atlas?
Replies: 10
Views: 35926

Re: a Chat for DKC Atlas?

You can Add Mods to the Forum?
by Kvinxx
October 18th, 2011, 12:59 pm
Forum: DKC Atlas Discussion
Topic: a Chat for DKC Atlas?
Replies: 10
Views: 35926

Re: a Chat for DKC Atlas?

Thanks for Reply ^^. But How will you do? Put a chat on the main page, or a separate page?
In a way that only users can on the chat
by Kvinxx
October 18th, 2011, 12:35 pm
Forum: DKC Atlas Discussion
Topic: a Chat for DKC Atlas?
Replies: 10
Views: 35926

a Chat for DKC Atlas?

Is there any way to put a chat? It is very useful so one can talk constantly with Others. Things like xat but can not be put into phpbb or Make a HTML page.

Some Idea?

Comment :D
by Kvinxx
October 18th, 2011, 12:22 pm
Forum: DKC Atlas Discussion
Topic: a Chat for DKC Atlas?
Replies: 10
Views: 35926

Who is it?

It's a simple game, there is place an image and the next has to guess who is making both a new image, without repeating any before.

by Kvinxx
October 18th, 2011, 12:07 pm
Forum: Forum Games
Topic: Who is it?
Replies: 1
Views: 11815

Re: Introduce yourself!

Hi I'm Kvinxx

I♥ DK1,DK2,DK3 & DK Returns but only I played 1,2,3

I'm a fan of Donkey Kong since I was born :D
by Kvinxx
February 26th, 2011, 10:44 am
Forum: Anything Goes
Topic: Introduce yourself!
Replies: 697
Views: 3047035

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