Reviews, reflections, rants and other such writings...Remembering the Virtual Boy
An article by Jomingo
13 August '10
Fifteen years ago tomorrow, Nintendo released one the most underrated and under-appreciated consoles in their history. As is company policy, when sales did not meet expectations and the console seemed ill-fated, they discontinued the product and swept it under the rug of gaming history. The console I'm referring to of course, is the Virtual Boy. Some call it Nintendo's worst piece of hardware in their long history; I believe it to be the one with the most unachieved potential.
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The little console that could...
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Had DKC2VB actually come out, it clearly would've been more than a simple port. The Virtual Boy was a very different console than the SNES. The most noticeable differences to this port would've been the fact that all Virtual Boy games were in Black and Red. DKC2's lush environments would have been rendered in two colors, and the graphical quality would've been stepped down a notch. But, these negatives aside, being able to play the game in 3D would've been an exhilarating experience. Imagine using barrel cannons to shoot into the foreground and background, just like Wario Land VB did before it, and just like Donkey Kong Country Returns is doing now. The effect of 3D would have had a huge impact on the game, and it saddens me that we never got to see the end product.

A Red and Black 3D handheld? Sounds familar...
- by Jomingo -
This article was written by a DKC Atlas Forum staff member. All opinions expressed within this article are those of the writer, and are not necessarily shared by DKC Atlas, or the DKC gaming community.